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Present Status of Chinese Input-Output Tables

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1 Present Status of Chinese Input-Output Tables
Department of National Accounts, NBS China CHEN Jie Dec 9th , Paris

2 Outlines Brief introductions on the Chinese IO tables
Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010 Ideas and issues in compiling IO table and import matrix 2012

3 Brief introductions on the Chinese IO tables
China had a input-output survey each 5 years since 1987, and compile a benchmark table in the survey year. During two survey years have a calculated tables. Benchmark tables: \1992\1997\2002\2007\2012 Calculated tables: 1990\1995\2000\2005\2010

4 Brief introductions on the Chinese IO tables
For the purpose of studying international trade, NBS started to compile import matrix under the cooperation with some institutes. The result include import matrix of 2007 and 2010. Now, prepare to compile the IO table Also plan to compile import matrix 2012 and we may compile and release it some time in the future.

5 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
Trade data on goods Trade data on services

6 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
Goods import 2007 100 million $ Total 9560 Processing supplied material 892 processing imported materials 2793 Non-processing 5875 6

7 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
Goods import 1.processing imported materials The kinds of merchandise under the processing imported materials are 5176,and the values of these are about bn$. In which, 324 kinds of merchandises, each value of them is more than 100m$, their values are summed and equal to 85.6% of the total merchandise under the processing imported materials.

8 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
For merchandise(>=100m), by distinguish and judge, then distribute them to the right cells of the import matrix. For merchandise(<100m), sum them by sectors(industries) they belong to, then distributed the sums in the import matrix by the same proportion of these sectors in the intermediate use.

9 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
Assumption all merchandise under the processing imported materials will be used in the intermediate. but in practical, there may have different situations. adjust to change in inventory or others

10 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
Goods imports 2.Processing supplied material The kinds of merchandise under the Processing supplied material are 4392,and the values of these items are about 89.2bn$. In which, 97 kinds of merchandises, each value of them is more than 100m$. When sum the values of them the 97 merchandise, it is about 77% of the total merchandise under the Processing supplied material

11 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
For merchandise(>=100m), by distinguish and judge, then distribute them to the right cells of the import matrix. For merchandise(<100m), sum them by sectors(industries) they belong to, then distributed the sums in the import matrix by the same proportion of these sectors in the intermediate use.

12 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
Goods imports Non-Processing trade The value of non-processing trade is about 61.5% to the total imports. Classification by Broad Economic Categories will be used to distinguish them as intermediate used goods, consumer goods and capital goods.

13 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
We didn’t totally accept the result of Correspondence table between the HS and BEC. Some merchandise are double-checked by the name or by other information, and there are some adjustment when we decide the use of some merchandise

14 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
There are 22.3bn$ and 101.2bn$ merchandise imported for consuming and capitalization. The value of consume items are about 3.8% of the non-processing trade and 2.3% of the total import. the value of capital items are about 17.2% of the non-processing trade and 10.6% of the total import.

15 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
The merchandise beyond the consume and capitalization, are valued 460bn$, and the kind of these merchandise about 4600. In which, 470 kinds of merchandises, each value of them is more than 100m$. And the sum values of the 470 merchandise is about 90% of the total merchandise under the non-Processing The same methods to distinguish and distribute these merchandise to the intermediate use.

16 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
services imports Data from the Balance Payment(2007) intermediate use and consume: transport insurance travel, etc. intermediate use :business services, etc. capital: construction

17 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
Trade Data in 2010 Many deals are the same with 2007 But less sector in the IO table (import matrix). Co-operation survey with Custom

18 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
Co-operation survey with Custom The merchandise items under the non-processing more than 7000,and 4424 item are intermediate use. in which 344 merchandise were selected as the survey items. The value of each items is more than 100m

19 Issues in compiling the import matrix of 2007 and 2010
Co-operation survey with Custom The merchandise didn't include in the survey items: small value, through the name of merchandise to decide its used in which sector. The first survey on the import goods used.

20 Ideas and issues in compiling IO table and import matrix 2012
The new industry classification of china(GB/T ) Product classification used in statistics(2010) The goods consumption for the industrial and construction enterprises are base on these two classifications.

21 Ideas and issues in compiling IO table and import matrix 2012
The imports data would be more carefully distinguished under the different Pattern of Trade Re-export would be consider in the import matrix Some merchandise under the processing trade would be adjustment

22 Ideas and issues in compiling IO table and import matrix 2012
Co-operation survey with Custom SAFE for more detail data on the service trade. The more detail IO table and more reasonable import matrix

23 Thank you and comments

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