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Welcome to Year One!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year One!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year One!

2 The staff in Year One... Miss Austin Mrs West

3 The staff in Year One... Mrs Visram Mrs Ilijevska Ms Lloyd Mr Fuller

4 Our Timetable. We aim to make the transition between year groups as smooth as possible. At the start of year one there is still a strong emphasis on learning through play during different times of the day as in the reception classes. As the children progress through the year the emphasis will be on offering the children with different experiences to aid their learning.

5 Styles of Teaching and Learning.
In year one we have a very hands on approach to learning. Children will learn through a range of focus activities and learning experiences. The children will access a range of resources to support their learning. The children will be becoming more responsible for their own belongings. Please ensure that all belongings are clearly labelled to help with this. They have their own peg where they keep their bag, coat and anything else they will need for the day. We do show and tell on a Friday, if they wish to show anything that is related to our topic. This term is Fabulous Families! We do not encourage toys to be bought into school to prevent them being broken, lost or damaged.

6 The Current Foundation Stage
Prime Areas Of Learning: Personal Social and Emotional Development. Communication and Language. Physical Development. Specific Areas of Learning: Understanding of the World. Expressive art and design. Literacy. Mathematics.

7 How the Foundation Stage links to the National Curriculum
Communication and Language Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Understanding of the World Expressive Art and Design Mathematics Literacy Maths P.E. PSHE/SEAL Citizenship Science Art English History Design Technology Phonics and Spelling R.E. Geography Music I.C.T Our Creative Curriculum attempts to blend these subjects together to make learning engaging and varied whilst ensuring excellent coverage in all areas.

8 Learning with the IB We are moving towards learning with the IB, this means that the children have a key question for enquiry. How they explore this question is up to them. We promote the following learner profile which links with our school values. Creativity Appreciation Enthusiasm Confidence Cooperation Curiosity Independence Tolerance Respect Commitment Integrity

9 How it works In Year 1, we follow the children's interests to create interesting topics which allow them to be fully engaged and take ownership with their learning. This term’s topic is Fabulous Families, each topic will focus on different skills and link to the IB learner profile and the National Curriculum.

10 Reading Records. Please ensure that these are in school each day as we may hear the children read any day in the week. The children will have their books changed once a week, like they did within the reception classes. On your child’s book is a sticker which states when their reading day is. They will read with an LSA or with the teacher. Currently we do guided reading every day, where the children hear a story read to them and discuss what happened, make predictions and discuss the characters. If you wish to contact us regarding any concerns or questions, please feel free to speak to us at the gate at drop off or dismissal or us at the following addresses. We aim to respond with 48 hours.

11 P.E Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Ensure kit is named and it fits! Earrings must be taken out or, for health and safety reasons, children cannot participate in the session. Please ensure long hair is tied back.

12 English: We follow Letters and Sounds for our phonics lessons. We develop the use of cursive script. Focus upon using adjectives, joining words and punctuating simple sentences correctly. Handwriting – daily focus, working towards cursive and joined as the year progresses. We will use age appropriate texts as a stimulus for our English lessons.

13 Expectations of Work: Presentation of work Preparation for lessons Attitude towards learning Behaviour Try their best!

14 Phonics and the Phonics Check!
We continue with the Letters and Sounds programme started in reception. All children will continue to receive the phonics teaching that is best suited to their needs, at a pace that is right for them. In June 2019 the children will take part in the Phonics Screening Check. This is a Government initiative which checks children’s knowledge of phonics. The check involves the children blending real and pseudo words, we call these words ‘alien’ or ‘nonsense’ words within school. The phonics check will not be anything new to your child it is something that they will have been taught throughout Year 1. More details to follow nearer the time!

15 Home Learning Weekly Expectations:
Read as regularly as possible with your child. Tricky words are sent home on a Thursday and recalled daily. We look for the correct spellings in their writing. Practise their blending words. This will give your child confidence when preparing for the Phonics Screening Check in the Summer term. Termly Home Learning Tasks: At the start of each term you will receive a letter detailing different tasks for your child to complete during the course of the term. It is up to you when and how each task is completed. We only ask that all tasks are completed by the start of the next term so that we can mark them and share them with the class before setting the next challenge!

16 We are developing our outdoor area and would like to make an outdoor kitchen. We currently have the pallets and are in need of some volunteers to help us build the kitchen. Please let us know if you could be of any assistance so we can arrange a date for building. Also if you have any natural equipment for example pine cones or twigs, we would greatly appreciate them. Thank you

17 Any Questions? Please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year One team if you have any further questions.

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