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… expanding opportunities for teachers and students to excel

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1 … expanding opportunities for teachers and students to excel
ANNUAL REPORT for the Irving ISD Board of Trustees 2010 … expanding opportunities for teachers and students to excel

2 Board of Directors 2010 President President-elect
Nancie Rissing Beth Bowman Vice Presidents Joy Apple, Ray Cerda, Christina Gears, Gerri Kunstadt Immediate Past President Phil Sims Secretary Robert Martinez Treasurer Keith Murray Board Members Gloria Agyemang, Eileen Anderson, Kitty Boyle, Bret Brummitt, Valerie Jones, Arshiya Kapadia, Miriam Mancha, Myrna Mercer, Kerri Miene, David Pfaff, Woody Schober, Burnell Stehman Ex-Officio Board Members Dr. Dana Bedden, Irving ISD Superintendent Mandy Hamilton, Executive Director Mr. Jack Singley, Honorary Emeritus Member (deceased)

3 2010 Success Grants and Scholarships
Close to $30K awarded to teachers and paraprofessionals in grants Close to $150K awarded to seniors and teachers for scholarships Thank you for all your help!  If it wasn’t for the ISF, many of us would not be able to afford to go to conferences to help further our education.  We are all so grateful for the Irving Schools Foundation.” - Y. Brown, Gilbert teacher

4 2010 Success Events Breakfast with the Stars, Fall Luncheon, Fellows Ceremony New! Golf tournament and 5K Fun Run Four new Fellows, Nine new scholarships Over $150K raised in events alone

5 Teacher of the Year Awards
2010 Success Teacher of the Year Awards Over $10K awarded to IISD teachers

6 2010 Success Campaigns Major Saver: $27K Payroll Deduction Campaign:
$208K in pledges, MHS top at $23,642, Nine schools at 100%

7 Fun Facts Over the past 25 years
Over 1.5 Million generated from Irving ISD staff through our annual Payroll Deduction campaign Over $ 2.1 Million awarded in student scholarships and teacher grants Over 2,000 Irving ISD students and teachers have received ISF scholarships and grants to further their education

8 Planning ahead to Strive for our next Five..... 30th anniversary
Following our Strategic Plan to: Create an award winning alumni program Strengthen our Planned Giving program Create new and exciting events Generate new revenue streams to double scholarships and grants awarded Continue our mission moments! ...Maintain our rich tradition of history and success!

9 Thank you for your leadership and support!

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