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Secrets To Happiness!.

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Presentation on theme: "Secrets To Happiness!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secrets To Happiness!

2 Secrets To Happiness! Rejoice always 1 Th. 5:16, 18
Phil. 4:11-13 be content Rom. 8:28 it’s all good Rom. 8:31-39 Do you believe it?

3 Secrets To Happiness! Rejoice always Pray without ceasing 1 Th. 5:17
1 Pet. 5:6-7 humble, give it to God 1 Th. 5:18 give thanks, everything

4 Secrets To Happiness! Rejoice always Pray without ceasing
Right attitude toward God’s word 1 Th. 5:19-20 not quench, despise 2 Th. 2:10 love the truth How does this make you happy?

5 Secrets To Happiness! Rejoice always Pray without ceasing
Right attitude toward God’s word Put God’s word into action 1 Th. 5:21-22 actions, God’s word Col. 3:10 change, conform to word How does this make you happy? 1 Th. 5:23-24 sanctified, saved Phil. 3:1, heaven Phil. 4:4-9 not worry


7 Secrets To Happiness!

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