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Friday, October 9th 10th Literature

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1 Friday, October 9th 10th Literature
Standard 2 & 3 You short story and storyboardthat should already be shared with me by now. Please, put your name on any prewriting work (ideas, plot diagram, rubric used for peer edit, etc…) Journal #7: Describe yourself at 70. What are your inner and outer qualities? What do you enjoy doing? Who do you like spending time with? What is your reputation? What are you known for? Vocabulary Unit 2: Write down the words and definitions Grammar: End Marks and Abbreviation Finding the main idea

2 Latin & Greek Roots Units 1, 2, 3

3 Unit 1

4 Latin FACERE, FACTUM, “to make, do”
FAC, FIC, FECT Latin FACERE, FACTUM, “to make, do”

5 Be on the lookout for words with “fic,” “fect,” and “fy,” as well as “fac” and “fact.” All of these come from facere and mean “making” or “doing.”

6 Facsimile, Deficient, and Affection
Facsimile: n. A copy; an imitation Deficient: adj. Not having enough; lacking Affection: n. A feeling of love or liking

7 You may have heard of petrified wood
You may have heard of petrified wood. The word petrify can simply mean “to turn to stone”; this is what can happen to living material, like wood, over thousands of years. When we use petrify to mean “to scare,” we are saying that someone is so frightened that he or she cannot move and seems to be made of stone.

8 Suffice Suffice: v. To be enough

9 Latin AGERE, ACTUM, “to do, drive”
ACT, AG Latin AGERE, ACTUM, “to do, drive”

10 TRANSACT, AGENDA Transact: v. To carry out
Agenda: n. A list of things to do

11 COAGULATE Coagulate: v. To solidify; to clump or clot Coagulate describes what some liquids or soft solids do over time, with heat, or because of a chemical reaction. Can you think of some liquids that coagulate?

12 OPER Latin OPERARE, OPERATUM, “to work”

Inoperable: adj. Not able to be fixed or cured Cooperate: v. To work with; to be helpful to Operational: adj. In working order

14 Latin FUNGI, FUNCTUM, “to work, to perform”

15 DEFUNCT, MALFUNCTION Defunct: adj. No longer working; no longer active
Malfunction: n. Something that goes wrong; problem

16 Summarization Vocabulary Notes
· Topic/Subject: a broad statement that is often explained in just a few words. · Main idea: what is being said about a topic, often explained in a phrase or sentence. · Topic sentence: the sentence in a paragraph that includes a statement of the main idea. Often, but not always, the topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph.

17 Process for finding main idea
1. Identify the details that support a topic sentence. Details=Sentences 2. Compare the details to determine what they have in common. 3. Use your own words to paraphrase what they have in common. 4. Typically the main idea is embedded in a topic sentence, but sometimes it is implied.

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