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Singular and Plural Nouns

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Presentation on theme: "Singular and Plural Nouns"— Presentation transcript:

1 Singular and Plural Nouns

2 Singular vs. Plural A singular noun names one person, place, thing, or idea. One cat, one store, one item A plural noun names two or more persons, places, things, or ideas. Two cats, four stores, fifteen items

3 Singular Plural teacher teachers street streets pencil pencils book
For most singular nouns, add s. Singular Plural teacher teachers street streets pencil pencils book books elephant elephants

4 Singular Plural gas gases wax waxes waltz waltzes dish dishes church
2. For nouns ending with s, x, z, sh, or ch, add es. Singular Plural gas gases wax waxes waltz waltzes dish dishes church churches

5 Singular Plural sky skies army armies penny pennies boy boys alley
3. For nouns ending with a consonant and y, change the y to i and add es. For nouns ending with a vowel and y, add s. Singular Plural sky skies army armies penny pennies boy boys alley alleys

6 Singular Plural belief beliefs roof roofs loaf loaves life lives knife
For some nouns ending with f or fe, add s. For others, change the f to v and add s or es. (You will need to memorize the spellings for such words or look them up in a dictionary to check. Singular Plural belief beliefs roof roofs loaf loaves life lives knife knives

7 These are a little more tricky . . .
5. For nouns that end with o, add s or es. (Again, you would need to memorize the spellings of such words or look them up in a dictionary to double-check.) —One trick to remember: if it has to do with sound (“music”), just add s.—Ex: cello. piano, radio Singular Plural cello cellos piano pianos radio radios zoo zoos potato / tomato potatoes / tomatoes

8 6. Some nouns have irregular plural forms
6. Some nouns have irregular plural forms. You will have to memorize the spelling for irregular plurals. Singular Plural child children foot feet tooth teeth mouse mice man / woman men / women

9 7. A few nouns have the same singular and plural forms.
sheep Chinese moose grapefruit deer salmon

10 Plural scissors jeans savings dues
8. A few nouns have only plural forms. Plural scissors jeans savings dues

11 Singular measles news economics dues
9. A few nouns that end with s look plural but are considered singular. Singular measles news economics dues

12 Compound Nouns For most compound nouns, make the most important word plural. For a compound noun written as one word, make the last part plural. For a compound noun written with hyphens or as separate words, make the key word plural.

13 Singular Plural billboard billboards cupful cupfuls campground
campgrounds maid of honor maids of honor attorney-at-law attorneys-at-law step-brother step-brothers Great-grandma Great-grandmas One word compound nouns Separate words Hyphenated compound nouns

14 11. Letters, numbers, symbols, and words used as words are made plural by adding an apostrophe (‘) and s. Singular Plural # #’s A A’s 25 25’s and and’s & &’s ABC & 123 ABC’s & 123’s

15 Using a Dictionary: Nouns that are made plural in other ways besides just adding -s or -es can be looked up in a dictionary to check the correct spelling. Sample Dictionary entries: dic-tion-ar-y (dik’ she ner’ e), n., pl. –aries, a book containing words of a language, usually arranged alphabetically, with their meanings, pronunciations, etymologies, etc. en-try (en’ tre), n., pl. -tries entrance. 2. the act of recording something in a book, register, etc the item so recorded a person or thing entered in a contest a word, phrase, etc. listed alphabetically in a dictionary or reference book, usually with its definition or explanation.

16 Multiple Choice Which 2 words correctly complete these sentences?
We bought a pair of _____ and some _____ at the yard sale. A. ski dishes B. skis dishs C. skies dish D. skis dishes

17 OOPS! . . . Try again!

18 CORRECT! We bought a pair of _skis_ and some _dishes_ at the yard sale.

19 Multiple Choice One of her _______ is studying _______ in the wild.
A. hobbys monkeyes B. hobbyes monkies C. hobbies monkeys D. hobbys. . . monkees

20 OOPS! . . . Try again!

21 CORRECT! One of her _hobbies_ is studying _monkeys_ in the wild.

22 Multiple Choice A team of ______ pulled a wagon with three _______ inside. A. ox woman B. oxen women C. oxes women D. oxens womans

23 OOPS! . . . Try again!

24 CORRECT! A team of _oxen_ pulled a wagon with three _women_ inside.

25 Multiple Choice Near the campsite they saw two _______ and several ________. A. deer moose B. deers moose C. deers mooses D. deer meese

26 OOPS! . . . Try again!

27 CORRECT! Near the campsite they saw two _deer_ and several _moose_.

28 Newspaper Nouns Use a newspaper or magazine article for this activity:
In the article, find at least 25 singular nouns. Circle them with a colored pencil. On your own paper, make a T-chart. . . on the left side write “Singular” and write “Plural” on the right side of the T-chart. List the singular nouns you found in the article on the left side of the T-chart, then write the correct plural form of each on the right side.

29 Scoring Guide: You should find at least 25 singular nouns.
Each of the plural nouns formed correctly from these 25 singular nouns is worth 4 points, for a total of 100. Opportunity for BONUS points: For every 5 additional singular nouns you identify, list, and form the plural of correctly, you can earn one bonus point.—up to a maximum of 5 bonus points (i.e. it takes 25 additional singular nouns correctly made plural to earn all 5 bonus points—but you can do it!!!)

30 4 points each = total points 100
Scoring Guide: 4 points each = total points 100 100% = 25 singular nouns identified and listed with plural form spelled correctly. 96% = 24 singular nouns identified and listed with plural form spelled correctly. 92% = 23 singular nouns identified and listed with plural form spelled correctly. Etc. Grading: A = %, B = 80-89%, C = 70-79%, D = 60-69%, F = Below 60%

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