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System of Carolingian government comitatus (pl. comitati = county)

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Presentation on theme: "System of Carolingian government comitatus (pl. comitati = county)"— Presentation transcript:

1 System of Carolingian government comitatus (pl. comitati = county)
comes (pl. comites = count) dux (pl. duces = duke) Map Link: Empire of Charlemagne: < maps/map007.jpg>

2 King Subkings Dukes Counts

3 Missi Dominici (“envoys of the lord,”
royal agents) Checking on counts Publishing decrees Administering justice Surveys

4 Sent in pairs, usually count and (arch)bishop
Assigned missaticum, with four month-long visits/year “Home ground” Missatica only in core lands. More distant regions with subkings, dukes or counts. Marches with counts

5 Courts of justice: Reformed c. 769 Held by counts and missi dominici Role of scabinus

6 Public assemblies: Irregular (but at least one/year), often for war, political/ecclesiastical discussions, and/or judgments Held by king at palace Local counts’ courts

7 Royal courts: Itinerant, from palace to palace Making king available and seen Architecture as propaganda

8 Royal chancery office:
Staffed by clergy Partial following of Merovingian precedents Carolingian royal chancery hand Authentication with seal, notary’s signature, possibly royal monogram

9 Pactus Legis Salicae (Law of the Salian
Franks, issued btw. 508 and 511) Revised/re-issued by Charlemagne as Lex Emendata/Lex Reformata (Amended/Reformed Law) in 798 Capitularies capitula (chapters)

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