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TC42 TC 42 is a half day democratic therapeutic community for people aged 18 – 24 years of age. It has been running now for 3 years and is based at 42nd.

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Presentation on theme: "TC42 TC 42 is a half day democratic therapeutic community for people aged 18 – 24 years of age. It has been running now for 3 years and is based at 42nd."— Presentation transcript:

1 TC42 TC 42 is a half day democratic therapeutic community for people aged 18 – 24 years of age. It has been running now for 3 years and is based at 42nd Street.

2 A bit about 42nd Street Our Shared Mission
To support young people with their emotional well-being and mental health, promoting choice and creativity. We champion young person centred approaches that demonstrate local impact and have national significance

3 Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH) provides inpatient and community-based mental health care for people living in Bolton, the city of Manchester, Salford and Trafford and a wide range of specialist mental health and substance misuse services across Greater Manchester, the north west of England and beyond.

4 Compelling Vision GM Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Improving child and adult mental health, narrowing their gap in life expectancy, and ensuring parity of esteem with physical health is fundamental to unlocking the power and potential of GM communities. Shifting the focus of care to prevention, early intervention and resilience and delivering a sustainable mental health system in GM requires simplified and strengthened leadership and accountability across the whole system. Enabling resilient communities, engaging inclusive employers and working in partnership with the third sector will transform the mental health and well being of GM residents.

5 What is a DTC Democratic Therapeutic Communities (DTCs) are structured, psychologically informed environments – they are places where the social relationships, structure of the day and different activities together are all deliberately designed to help people’s health and well-being.

6 DTC is a form of psychosocial treatment based on a collaborative and deinstitutionalised approach to staff–patient interaction; particular emphasis is placed on empowerment, personal responsibility, shared decision-making Not attempting to explain the whole workings of a DTC but more what happens at TC42.

7 Background 42nd Street are always looking for new and innovative was of working. Within the mental health trust there was a day therapeutic community already. Managers from both organisations felt potentially the TC model was a way of working suited to young people and TC42 was born.

8 Role of the SUC Service User Consultant. Initially was thought we would not have one. Other local TC had one member who had recently left interested in the role. Role of SUC. ? Peaches speaks for a few minutes about her role.

9 This afternoon as part of the workshop we are going to role play an information meeting. A young person is referred to the group and this is the group explaining what happens at TC42 so the young person can make a more informed choice about joining the TC. Ask for two volunteers from the audience. Should take around 20 minutes.

10 Albert Gubay. Charitable donation money to be used for service provision and evaluation.

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