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Wake Up! “... you have a reputation of being alive,

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Presentation on theme: "Wake Up! “... you have a reputation of being alive,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wake Up! “... you have a reputation of being alive,
but you are dead.  Wake up!” Rev 3:1-2 “Wake up, sleeper,     rise from the dead,      and Christ will shine on you” Eph 5:14 St James, Taunton 1 July 2018

2 I’m most creative when I’m asleep”
“Shhh ... I’m most creative when I’m asleep”

3 “Shhh ... Don’t wake me, I know what I’m doing!”

4 Did I dream hearing my name being called?
1 Samuel 3 Did I dream hearing my name being called?

5 “Speak Lord for your servant is listening”
1 Samuel 3 “Speak Lord for your servant is listening”

6 Wake up and smell the coffee! “Get Real!”

7 “Get Real!”

8 “Get Real!” Wake up to reality

9 “Get Real!” Find out what pleases the Lord
Eph 5:10 Understand what the Lord’s will is Eph 5:17 “Get Real!”

10 Live as children of light
Find out what pleases the Lord Eph 5:10 Understand what the Lord’s will is Eph 5:17 “Get Real!” Be very careful then, how you live Making the most of every opportunity Be filled with the Spirit Eph 5:15-18 Live as children of light Eph 5:8

11 Lucky Jonah! Find out what pleases the Lord
Eph 5:10 Understand what the Lord’s will is Eph 5:17 Lucky Jonah!

12 Goodness Righteousness Truth Find out what pleases the Lord
Eph 5:10 Understand what the Lord’s will is Eph 5:17 Goodness Righteousness Truth Eph 5:9

13 Goodness Righteousness Truth Find out what pleases the Lord
Eph 5:10 Understand what the Lord’s will is Eph 5:17 Goodness Righteousness Truth Eph 5:9 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

14 Wake up and smell the coffee! “Get Real!”

15 “Get Real!” Wake up and ... Complete your deeds
Remember what you have heard Obey Repent Rev 3: 2-3

16 act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God
“Whoever has ears, let them hear  what the Spirit says to the churches” Rev 3:6 Wake up and feel the spirit! “Get Real!” The worthy will “walk with me” Rev 3:4 act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God

17 “Oh dear! Have I missed it? Wake up, sleeper,  rise from the dead,  and Christ will shine on you

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