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Evolutions of Information Technology in the Workplace Towards High-Performance Information Technology Cultures? Session 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolutions of Information Technology in the Workplace Towards High-Performance Information Technology Cultures? Session 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolutions of Information Technology in the Workplace Towards High-Performance Information Technology Cultures? Session 1

2 Denis Hicks Director, Huntsman Polyurethanes

3 Leading the Connected Generation Denis Hicks Huntsman Polyurethanes, Director & Digital Immigrant

4 A Digital Divide? Example : a conversation today Q : What laptop do you want for university? A : mn#!facets=93410~0~1450393&p=1 s Please

5 …and lots of blah blah ……. One month after release played for 68,000 man yrs Better Eyesight Better visual tracking Less attention deficit Media Multi- tasking

6 from generation gaps…..? Baby Boomers 1945-1964 Build a CareerGoogle & email Not good at handling negative feedback Gen X 1965-1980 Transferable Career Smartphone & laptop, web to research, review etc., e-mail/mobile 24/7 Doesnt need feedback Gen Y 1980-1995Several careers Web for research and networking email/IM/text 24/7 Constant feedback Gen C 1996-? Severable simultaneous careers Internet preferred above all else Networked recognition Adapted fromTraditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (and Generation Z) Working Together UN Talent Team Generation C = connected, communicating, content-centric, computerized, community-oriented, always clicking. Everyone born In the developed world in the 90s, in the BRIC countries primarily urban and suburban. By 2020, 40% percent of the population in the U.S., Europe, and BRICs, 10 % ROW Strategy and Business Issue 62 Spring 2011, Booz & Co

7 Weekend in Shanghai? Who wants to manage the emerging Gen C? Senior Business Review 5 yr history & forecast Market & Sales & Profitability Strategy & Investment proposal Overwhelmed Manager Sales Marketing Analyst

8 Who needs Apps? My Office & PA More reliable communication Unlimited data

9 Rise of Social Networks Connected but alone Access / Control of information Blurring work and private life We define technology, then it redefines us We can chose our focus in the network we create, We practice social skills less. Perception of control Sherry Turkle – TED talk Feb 2012

10 More changes – too fast for comfort? More & Better information – but no longer controlled Instant access – more time for analysis Cognitive learning More communication – but less in traditional ways & removal of language barriers Automation accelerates de-skilling of roles. Senior/Middle Managers are getting left behind Appalling Security & Compliance awareness

11 Thank You A profile of Jack from Australia

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