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Second Independent Evaluation of UNAIDS

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1 Second Independent Evaluation of UNAIDS 2002-2008
Oversight Committee Report from the Chair 24 June 2009

2 Overview of presentation
Update on written report to PCB Evaluation progress Stakeholder consultation Oversight role Conclusions I don’t think that the Web based survey is specially for CS?? 12/6/2018

3 Evaluation Team Activities: Jan-June 2009
Evidence gathering (desk studies, country studies, key respondents, web survey) Country visits completed Regional consultations Member States consultations Non-state actors: civil society, private sector Cosponsors UNAIDS Secretariat Current and former UNAIDS Executive Directors Web surveys – PCB, General Stakeholder consultation on preliminary findings I don’t think that the Web based survey is specially for CS?? 12/6/2018

4 Evaluation Team Activities: April-August 2009
Analysis, synthesis, verification Team workshops Data analysis Cross referencing/triangulation Stakeholder consultation Oversight Committee consultations Review of additional material Further synthesis Discussion of table of contents with OC Drafting and redrafting QA and review I don’t think that the Web based survey is specially for CS?? 12/6/2018

5 Timeline next steps Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Draft Final Report to OC 7
OC Review Draft Final Report OC feedback discussed with ET 2-4 Final Report to PCB Chair and OC 30 OC report on oversight to PCB 15 EXD prepares UNAIDS response PCB discuss Report and follow-up 8-10 12/6/2018

6 Stakeholder Consultations On Preliminary Evaluation Findings 25 May – 12 June
Solicitation of written comments Wide distribution of Consultation Document Comments: Member States, Cosponsors, UNAIDS Secretariat, USSA, Civil society Stakeholder Workshop (3-4 June) Broad-based participation from over 100 stakeholders Proceedings, reports, background documentation, list of participants on SIE webpage 12/6/2018

7 Consultation Document
Not a draft report (conclusions may be modified or changed) Preliminary findings reported against all 12 TOR questions – headline and more detailed findings. Detailed findings were the topics for study group discussions. 12/6/2018

8 Stakeholder Consultations
Objectives of stakeholder consultations discuss preliminary findings opportunity to comment and provide ideas to take forward Questions for stakeholders do findings resonate with your experience additional evidence to provide to Evaluation Team? areas for strategic recommendations? General and detailed comments 2 Plenary and 16 Study Group Sessions at Workshop Solicitation of written comments 12/6/2018

9 Feedback on Consultations
Stakeholder Workshop openness to stakeholder views and varied dialogue early opportunity for input into Evaluation findings in-depth discussion of issues mixed expectations imbalance in some study groups time constraints Consultation Document on Preliminary Findings quality document covering terms of reference imbalance between positive and negative findings gaps in background information provided more information required on methodology Valuable feedback to Evaluation Team provision of supplementary evidence 12/6/2018

10 Mandate and Role of Oversight Committee
PCB Mandate Oversight Committee Objectives A credible and independent Evaluation A high quality, forward-looking Report relevant to the future of UNAIDS Critical success factors Independence, transparency, impartiality, stakeholder involvement, cooperation with UNAIDS Secretariat and Cosponsors, qualified Evaluation Team Reference to DAC standards 12/6/2018

11 Oversight Committee Approach - Quality Evaluation
General Award of bid on merit (including QA process and track record) Regular reports to OC Adherence to agreed workplan Ongoing stakeholders consultation and participation Review of outputs Review of documents by OC – looking at ToR, adequacy and breadth of evidence, clarity and consistency, cross cutting issues. Support from professional evaluation consultant throughout. 12/6/2018

12 Oversight Committee Approach to Transparency
Open bid process (UNOPS) Independent Secretariat with contact points Dedicated SIE website Regular consultations and “open door” policy Regular updates on progress and process Documentation available –website and mailing lists 12/6/2018

13 Information available on SIE site – to date
Evaluation Reports Inception Report Consultation Document on Preliminary Findings Country Summary Reports 10 country summary reports (two more pending) 1 Regional consultation Background Information ToR and details OC members Call for proposals and bid Regular update letters from OC Chair Proceedings stakeholder consultations Written comments from stakeholders Relevant PCB and other documents 12/6/2018

14 Information for SIE site – still to come
Evaluation Reports 2 country summary reports (June 2009) Final Evaluation Report Full set of annexes including Methodology Key literature document list List of key sources Paper on governance Results of web based survey (others to be confirmed) Short Summary Report for non-technical audience Other documentation Updates from OC Chair Additional background documents Report from Oversight Committee Chair to PCB . 12/6/2018

15 Financial Update Noted in Annex to written report (no significant changes since). Evaluation well within PCB approved estimates. Additional activities accommodated – 2 OC meetings and 2 stakeholder consultations. PCB Chair regularly informed of financial situation and any adjustments between budget lines. 12/6/2018

16 Conclusion The Evaluation is on schedule, the OC has confidence in the quality of the ET approach and the process. The Evaluation will be within budget allocated by PCB. The process has encouraged input and active participation of stakeholders in process. The Evaluation is being carried out with full cooperation of Secretariat, Co-sponsors and other actors. Independence and impartiality maintained throughout. Look forward to December discussion of results and follow up. 12/6/2018

17 Oversight Committee Contacts
SIE Webpage Click on: UNAIDS – About Us – Second Independent Evaluation Oversight Committee Secretariat Tel: (+41) /4555 Fax: (+41) 12/6/2018

18 Financial Report 12/6/2018

19 COUNTRY VISITS Cote d’Ivoire Democratic Republic of Congo Ethiopia
Haiti India Indonesia Iran Kazakhstan Peru Swaziland Ukraine Viet Nam Regional Study for Pacific Region Regional consultations Bangkok, Dacca, Ouagadougou, Delhi, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Kiev, Moscow, Nairobi 12/6/2018

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