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Jessica Bargstadt, Ryan Wong

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1 The effect of observing aggressive interactions on the personality traits of Danio rerio
Jessica Bargstadt, Ryan Wong Department of Biology, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE 68182 Hypothesis Introduction Discussion and Future Research Our objective is to investigate whether observing an aggressive interaction changes personality states. We hypothesize that observing aggressive behavior will increase aggression in the observing fish, thus causing them to display more bold traits. Past research has shown zebrafish tend to adjust their behavior both when observing and when participating in an aggressive reaction. Whether this observed effect may have more long-lasting effect on personality type could give great insight into the interplay between the psychological traits of an individual and their social experiences. From the results, we can see that there does not seem to be a significant and consistent change in behavior across data pulled from zebrafish observing aggressive interactions. Based on this, we can interpret that observing aggressive behavior does not seem to influence the personality traits of an individual zebrafish. This could imply that social interactions have only a brief influence behavior, rather than the underlying personality of an individual. This would be especially true in the case of being exposed to only a singly aggressive incident. Possible differences may occur should the individual be exposed to aggression regularly. Follow-up research might include: - Looking at the effect of continuous exposure to aggression Future research will include: - Looking at any differences between Shy and Bold lines - Running hormone assays to evaluate stress - Looking at any sex differences Results Shy Fish Bold Fish - Freeze Move frequently - React to environment Proactive with environment - Less aggressive More aggressive - “Introverted” “Extraverted” Method Open Field Test Observation Period Open Field Test 1 week Acknowledgements Funding for this project was provided by FUSE to Jessica Bargstadt and UNO Start-up funds to Ryan Wong. Fish husbandry for this project was provided by Danny Revers and Sandra Roundtree. Acknowledgements towards my other lab members for their feedback and support. A special acknowledgement towards Ryan Wong for his mentoring, advice, and guidance. Interaction No Interaction Control An illustration of fighting behavior References Observation Period: - 1 fighting setting - 1 non-interaction - 1 control Subjects: 8 Shy F10 zebrafish Open Field Test: A setup that tests fish traits by observing their reaction to a novel environment Supporting Papers: Cruz, A.S. & Oliveira, R.F Audience effects and aggressive priming in agonistic behaviour of male zebrafish, Danio rerio. Animal Behaviour 107: 269–276 Oliveira, R.F., Silva, J.F. and Simões, J.M Fighting zebrafish: characterization of aggressive behavior and winner-loser effects. Zebrafish 8: 73-81 Wong, R.Y., Perrin, F.*, Oxendine, S.E.*, Kezios, Z.D.*, Sawyer, S.*, Zhou, L.*, & Godwin, J., (2012) Comparing behavioral responses across multiple assays of stress and anxiety in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Behaviour 149: 1205–1240 Images: Image of actual setup

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