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Ratification of the Constitution

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1 Ratification of the Constitution

2 Bell Ringer What were some major differences between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan introduced at the Constitutional Convention?

3 Federalists vs. Antifederalists
Copies of the new Constitution were sent to all of the states. They needed 9 out of 13 for ratification. Two groups emerged: Federalists: favored the constitution Antifederalists: opposed the constitution

4 Federalists James Madison and Alexander Hamilton
Most had attended the convention. They stressed the weaknesses of the articles of confederation. Wanted a stronger national government

5 Anti-Federalists Included Revolutionary war figures like Samuel Adams, Richard Henry Lee, and John Hancock. Didn’t want the states to lose power to a national government. Thought there should be a Bill of Rights in the constitution.

6 Federalists Papers A series of 85 essays that were first published in newspapers in New York. These papers supported the constitution and were written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. They helped gain support for the constitution.

7 9 States Ratify Ratification came quickly in some states and slow in others. New Hampshire was the 9th states to ratify but in order for the constitution to go into effect they needed key states (Virginia and New York). Virginia was four days later: June 25, 1788. New York: July 26, 1788

8 Inauguration September 13, 1788: Congress chose New York City as the temporary capital. On April 30, 1789, George Washington took the oath of office as our first president. He was elected by a unanimous vote.

9 Daily Grade Section 5 Assessment due today.
Page 62. Use your notes and the chapter section to answer questions 1-4. If you finish early, work on your vocabulary for this unit.

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