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Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 1 Jeff Haywood Vice Principal, Knowledge Management, Chief Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 1 Jeff Haywood Vice Principal, Knowledge Management, Chief Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 1 Jeff Haywood Vice Principal, Knowledge Management, Chief Information Officer & Librarian to the University Professor of Education & Technology University of Edinburgh, UK The VICTORIOUS Project team Angela Joyce, Sue Timmis, Jasper Tredgold (Bristol) Axelle Devaux, Nathalie Sonveaux (Coimbra Group) Denise Haywood, Jeff Haywood (Edinburgh) Isabel Perez (Granada) Louwarnoud van der Duim (Groningen) Kamakshi Rajagopal, Steven Verjans (Leuven) Anthony Baldry, Alessandra Vasari (Pavia) Anna Marchi, Cesare Zanca (Siena) Aune Valk (Tartu) Matti Lappalainen (Turku) The VM-BASE Partnership EuroPACE ivzw (BE) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE) Coimbra Group ASBL (BE) Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven (BE) ESU – European Students Union (BE) University of Tartu (EE) BEST - Board of European Students of Technology (FR) University of West Hungary - Faculty of Geoinformatics (HU) Helsinki University of Technology, TKK Dipoli (FI) Laurea University of Applied Sciences (FI) University of Edinburgh (UK)

2 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 2 European Developments in Higher Education Education & Training 2010 Bologna Process European Higher Education Area / Research Area ECTS Diploma Supplement Erasmus & Erasmus Mundus Programmes and more…

3 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 3 Digital technologies in universities Learning and teaching with technology (e-learning); Digital libraries (e-journals, e-books, online databases & help); Integration of digital databases holding staff, student and course records; Portals as single gateways to digital resources; Email as the major/dominant communications channel; Single/reduced sign-on to authenticated systems (portal, email, library); Secure off-campus access to restricted resources (VPN, proxy); Websites as major/dominant method information provision.

4 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 4 Digital natives Net Generation

5 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 5 The digital student in 2007 Uses: Laptop/PC/internet frequently & from a variety of locations Lots of digital information sources, possibly preferentially to physical Chat, email, sms, blog, social network software (friendster, myspace, youtube) Mobile/smart phones - PDAs Likes/expects: Fast & seamless services Universities to be online & reliably accessible BUT….

6 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 6 Sometimes its easier to get into a Second Llife tutorial than to get access to a computer at your host university

7 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 7 There is now also an increasing emphasis on virtual mobility in education (ie taking courses from another university (country) by distance learning methods, esp digital – e-learning) EC eLearning Programme… Development of existing instruments, in particular those concerning virtual mobility as a complement and reinforcement for physical mobility (virtual Erasmus); recognition and validation schemes (based on ECTS); information and guidance services, and any other synergies between virtual and traditional models.

8 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 8 physical mobility = a proxy for virtual mobility Little virtual mobility at present in European traditional universities and so special cases = special efforts Digital identities, access, facilities, services all affect most on-campus (traditional) students Transfer between universities raises challenges to universities to give visiting students fast & automatic digital rights/routes/support If we do not (cannot) automate & simplify our services to traditional visiting students, virtual mobility will be difficult to implement

9 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 9 VICTORIOUS methodology – triangulation of sources Desk research and case studies - find the right questions Student perspective: Interviews Identify right issues Survey: online 2400 responses University perspective: Survey: online, multiple people in 1 univ 55 responses Staff interviews: explore reasons for some of the findings Pilots: testing some possible enhancements to the virtual experience, and their organisational consequences Seminars: getting feedback on intermediate results

10 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 10 Topics & themes Before, during & after exchange period Student perspective: Access to digital services & support IT (access to computers), library, e-learning Access to home services while abroad Continued access to host service when back home University perspective: Libraries, ICT provisions, Student records/Registry, International Offices and e-learning Specific services for outgoing & incoming students?

11 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 11 Topics of pilots Quality of information about the host university Assessing and attenuating digital culture shock Exchanging and transferring e-learning materials between universities Feasibility of a European course information database Feasibility of using Shibboleth for digital identity sharing Providing advice and support to outgoing students

12 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 12 Outcomes of research Research results published Recommendations formulated Practical checklists for all relevant stakeholders Available as (online) publication at

13 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 13 The free moving student?

14 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 14 Results from student perspective Digital culture shock: highly integrated online services less integrated online services None at all: completely out of touch with modern technology! Everything was paper forms. The information online to which I have had access were all relative to the previous academic year, the most part of it were mistakes I did use them but only the last month when I finally got my account

15 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 15 Results from student perspective Information provision is weak Hard to find – mainly in local language only Insufficient focus on needs of visiting students No or limited peer network for visitors Resourcefulness is needed Internet cafés for access to PC and Internet Use services of home university (library access, etc.) Sharing of passwords

16 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 16 Results from university perspective Business processes directed at on-campus students Physical presence needed for many services Particularly libraries International offices not very concerned with universitys digital services More services for incoming than for outgoing student Out of sight, out of mind? Remote access to distant learning materials not obvious Awareness of problem is rising

17 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 17 Recommendations For universities Providing good, structured, up-to-date info is easy Easier enrollment and registration needed – pre-arrival? Specific training and support for use of digital services Collaboration across internal bureaucratic borders For students and their associations More wide-thinking in planning visits / virtual participation Seriously consider everything that might go wrong (it will !) Collect and share experiences and solutions

18 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 18 Recommendations For European, national & regional agencies Provide single search for course/programme information Single digital identity system(s) for students / staff e.g. high-level (national) federations for Shibboleth Easier Internet access (eg EduROAM) Help remove digital barriers

19 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 19 Follow-up project PLANNED OUTPUTS: Orientation guidelines for students Codes of good practice in designing pre-selection tests for students Blue print for preliminary courses for students preparing for a physical Erasmus exchange Guidelines on assessment and evaluation tools A study on a Virtual Alumni Association for Erasmus students A manual on good-practices in e-coaching A manual with validated procedures and recommendations for blended mobility activities at institutional, network and European level

20 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 20 Lets try to make the (virtual) exchange visit more agreeable and decrease the (digital) culture shock

21 Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World SUMIT Seminar, Warsaw, October 11-12th 2007 21 And so, we meet at this SUMIT Seminar: Enhancing Student Mobility in a Digital World: Focusing on an enlarged Europe Over next two days we shall: Share views of what we are doing to facilitate student mobility in an increasingly digital higher education Identify specific issues for the recent/future EU member states Identify ways to work together to enhance the experiences of incoming and outgoing students across Europe Afterwards: Produce a book/e-book of our deliberations & good practice examples

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