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6 Steps to the Writing Process

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Presentation on theme: "6 Steps to the Writing Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 6 Steps to the Writing Process

2 Step 1. Prewriting Find & Focus a Topic Browsing Free writing Listing
Brainstorming Questioning Going Graphic Consider Audience and Your Purpose Choose a Form Kind of Writing- will usually be assigned Gather and Organize your Info

3 Step 2. Drafting First Attempt…Let it Flow
Not worried about cohesiveness at this point ¶ or Sentences may be out of order At this stage…you are merely concerned about getting ideas down in a rough paper format

4 Step 3. Revising Six Traits Ideas & Content Organization Voice
Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions

5 Step 4. Editing & Proofreading
Final tweaks of an otherwise finished product READ YOUR PAPER OUT LOUD! You catch more when you have to process from your mind through your mouth! Submitting your final work to be viewed by others

Submitting your final work to be viewed by others

7 Step 6. Reflecting What did I learn about my topic? Myself? My writing process? What might I want to do the same or do differently next time? When I compare this piece to others, what do I notice?

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