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Unit 1: An Introduction to the Study of Economics

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1 Unit 1: An Introduction to the Study of Economics
Lesson 3: Mixed Economies

2 Centrally Planned Economy
authoritarian socialism: an economic system in which the factors of production are publicly owned and utilized to benefit the common good of society ● closest to command model as government answer economic questions ● “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need” ● Examples: North Korea, China

3 Centrally Planned Economy
Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto ● class struggle: the “Haves” vs. “Have Nots”

4 Centrally Planned Economy
2. Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto ● vanguard of the proletariat: a group of elite revolutionaries who will overthrow the capitalist oppressors ● dictatorship of the proletariat: a temporary government that will oversee the final destruction of capitalism

5 Centrally Planned Economy
Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto ● Communist Party: an organization that would ensure the equal distribution of wealth until government “withers away”

6 Centrally Planned Economy
The Dream of a Utopia ● a classless society that enjoys a “collective spirit” ● the destruction of greed and poverty which eliminates social woes ● the absence of government resulting in real freedom


8 Centrally Planned Economy
The Reality ● it simply does not exist!

9 Centrally Planned Economy
The Reality ● Communist society is not equal because the government never “withers away”

10 Centrally Planned Economy
The Reality ● labor unions and government increased the standard of living for the working class in capitalist society

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