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Executive Secretary Agenda Items November 2017 Plenary

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1 Executive Secretary Agenda Items November 2017 Plenary
doc: 802 EC-17/0198r4 November 2017 Executive Secretary Agenda Items November 2017 Plenary Jon Rosdahl IEEE 802 Executive Secretary IEEE 802 November 2017 Plenary

2 802 Exec Sec Agenda Items 6.02 II Current and Future Venue Report

3 5.142 Current and Future Venue Report
IEEE 802 Top 10 – Thanks Face to Face Events ed to all registered attendees 2018 November Plenary site report 2019/2020 Plenary Venue RFP report

4 Network and Wired Cafe Located near the Registration Desk WIRED CAFÉ
Please report any disruption of service in the café to VeriLAN staff. NETWORK HELP DESK Network Help is available for attendees experiencing difficulties accessing the meeting network. Located near the Registration Desk

5 2018 Future Venues March 4-9, Hyatt Regency O'Hare, Rosemont, Illinois, USA July 8-13, Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA, USA November 11-16, Marriott Marquis Queen's Park, Bangkok, Thailand

6 2018 November – Bangkok, Thailand
Marriott Marquis Queen's Park, Bangkok, Thailand Bob, Dawn and I traveled to Bangkok the week of Oct 16, 2017. We stayed at the Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park. We found our rooms very nice, and the meeting space meeting the expectations of a Plenary session. The positives are there is plenty of space. The only negative is the meeting space is spread over 3 floors. We expect to have a great meeting, and if so would act on a 2020 November option. Friday I will bring a motion to approve the Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park, Bangkok, Thailand, as the location for the November 2020 plenary location.

7 2019 Future Venues March 10-15, Hyatt Regency Vancouver and Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada Contract has been executed July 14-19, Austria Congress Centre, Vienna, Austria Budget items are being updated and will be provide to the Treasurer for March report. November 10-15, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Kona, HI, USA

8 Request for travel support
doc: 802 EC-17/0198r4 November 2017 Request for travel support Contracts for Meeting venues and vendors requires following IEEE-SA processes. It seems that every few years it is good to review the process and determine where disconnects may have been created. We have a meeting scheduled for Mon Dec 4, pm – 2pm (EST) at NJ445-Yagi room. I will be there for the IEEE-SA SASB, CAG & BOG mtgs. Bob Heilie is very involved in the contract processing for 802 and 802 Wireless and would like to attend to help in the review/discussion process. A request to spend up to $750 for him to attend the Contracts meeting (plus RevCom and NesCom as long as he is there – held concurrently on the 5th of Dec.) Motion on Friday Moving forward the Process to submit contracts: 1. Post Contract to Mentor 802Fin or 802WFin as appropriate    (PCNT or LGCT doc numbers) 2. Send Contract to IEEE 802 Contracts 3. Vita picks this up and sends to Legal 4. After Legal, Vita checks final version with IEEE Exec Sec (via IEEE 802 Contracts alias) 5. Vita Posts with IEEE Procurement 6. Procurement processes contract 7. Executed Contract Sent back To IEEE Exec Secretary We will to disseminate information in regards to IEEE 802 Contracts.         The Alias sends to:  Paul N,  Jon R, Jon G, Vita F, Juanita L, Soo K, Conference mailbox alias IEEE 802 November 2017 Plenary

9 Thursday AdHoc Meetings
Next Venue Meeting planning – Thurs 7:30am Review meeting space plan for March 2018 Plenary Future Venues AdHoc – Thurs 8am Review options and discuss choices for 2020 and 2021.

10 Future Venue AdHocS --

11 Next Venue Meeting planning – Thurs 7:30 am
Start time 7:30 am Reviewed meeting space plan for March 4-9, Hyatt Regency O'Hare, Rosemont, Illinois, USA Adjourned 7:55 am

12 Future Venues AdHoc – Thurs 8 am
Start time – 8:00 am 802 Board Retreat Review Contract responses for 2020 – all approved Network validation in Montreal – Tourism bureau contribution Open RFP for 2021 dates Projector Expectations Hilton Hawaiian Village – 2024 End time – 8:55am

13 802 Leadership Mtg San Diego –
Saturday July 14th 8-5pm or possible July 7th Friday night and Saturday night comp guest room (20) Action Item: Leadership identify (Chair and secretary) – Paul

14 2020 Approved Venues Hilton Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA
March 2020 July 2020 November 2020 Hilton Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA Sheraton Centre Montreal, Montreal, Canada Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park, Bangkok, Thailand July Motion: Move to approve as the venues for 2020: March: Hilton Atlanta; July: Sheraton Centre Montreal; November: Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park Moved: Jon Rosdahl Second: Bob Heile Motion passed Unanimously

15 2020 July Venue Network Validation
doc: 802 EC-17/0198r4 November 2017 2020 July Venue Network Validation Venue Room Rate Food Beverage Minimum Sheraton Centre Montreal $269-$349++CAD (US$200)  $150,000++CAD (US$112,000) Request on Friday to expend not more than $4,500 for a mtg space inspection and independent network functionality check on the Sheraton Centre Montreal Hotel. This is to be completed by November 30 to allow acceptance of nearly $99,000CAD incentive for two meetings (2020 and 2022). IEEE 802 November 2017 Plenary

16 Straw poll on Hilton Hawaiian Village from July
The Hilton Hawaiian Village (Oahu Island) is big enough to easily accommodate a plenary and has easy access to Waikiki, so lots of things nearby. It has been the site of an IETF meeting and an IEEE Globcom conference in the recent past. July Strawpoll on Interest: Yes: 12 No: 2

17 2021 Plenary – Open RFP Open RFP to Major Venues – Fairmont, Hilton, Hyatt, Marriott, etc. 700 attendees Possible Targets March San Diego Seattle – New Hyatt Houston Marriott Union Station, St. Louis July Berlin, Germany Vienna, Austria Dubrovnik, Croatia (new Hyatt Regency- open 2019) Madrid, Spain – Site visit required - <$3000 Nov San Deigo Seattle – New Hyatt New Orleans Houston Marriott Union Station, St. Louis

18 2017 November Plenary Projectors
16 x 2000 Lumens (Infocus 640) – VGA only Note these are the projectors originally owned by IEEE and sold to Verilan. 9 x 3000/3200 Lumens – HDMI and VGA 4 x 3500 Lumens – HDMI and VGA Issues experienced this week: 1. Older projectors not bright enough – hotel keeps turning lights up 2. Some Laptops do not have VGA - Adapters worked most of the time. 3. Some laptops do not have HDMI or VGA – Adapters worked most of the time 4. Some Adapters are not able to be powered – User issue

19 Projector Goals 2018 Minimum 2000 Lumens for rooms upto 20 with Min 8ft screens. Minimum 3000 Lumens for Rooms upto 45 with min 10ft screens. Minimum 3500 Lumens for Rooms upto 150 with minimum 12ft screens. Minimum 5000 Lumens for Rooms over 150 with Minimum 16’x9’ screens. All Screens are to be taunt. All projectors have HDMI native port Some Projectors may have VGA, but expect 2 cables (HDMI and VGA) Expect Attendees to get any adapters required. We will have some on hand, but need to get attendees take responsibility for connectivity. Video port, Micro USB, Thunderbolt or other Video ports options on Laptops need to addressed by Owner.

20 Potential Cost increase
Prices are confidential to the bidders However, we can expect to pay about 40-50% more for each step 2000 Lumens – x 3000/3200 Lumens 1.5x 3500 Lumens 2.5x 5000 Lumens 3.5x Additional $6,500 - $7,500 in projector costs

21 Friday Closing EC Plenary
doc: 802 EC-17/0198r4 November 2017 Friday Closing EC Plenary 4.02: DT 802 Leadership Mtg for July 2018 4.03: II/MI Future Venue AdHoc Report and Motions 8.044 II Executive Secretary Report 8.06 II Announcement of 802 EC Interim Telecon (Tuesday 6 Feb 2018, 1-3pm ET ) 8.07 II Call for Tutorials for March 2018 Plenary (5 March 2018 – Deadline – 19 January 2018) IEEE 802 November 2017 Plenary

22 F4.02 802 Leadership Mtg for July 2018
doc: 802 EC-17/0198r4 November 2017 F Leadership Mtg for July 2018 San Diego – Saturday July 14th or possible July 7th One Day – Saturday 8-5pm Leadership Mtg – Led by John D’Ambrosia/Glenn Parsons Call for Topics – Strategic items Straw Poll for before or after: July 7 – 3 July It was noted that only 3 are involved with IETF which meets in Montreal the week after and have meetings starting on Sunday. IEEE 802 November 2017 Plenary

23 F4.03 Future Venue AdHoc Report

24 Information: Projector Goals 2018
Minimum 2000 Lumens for rooms up to 25 with Min 8ft screens. Minimum 3000 Lumens for Rooms up to 50 with Min 10ft screens. Minimum 3500 Lumens for Rooms up to 150 with Min 12ft screens. Minimum 5000 Lumens for Rooms over 150 with Min 16’x9’ screens. All Screens are to be taut. All projectors have HDMI native port All projectors to be set for 9:6 aspect ratio for 12ft screens or larger Some Projectors may have VGA, but expect 2 cables (HDMI and VGA) if both ports Expect Attendees to get any adapters required. We will have some on hand, but need to get attendees take responsibility for connectivity. Video port, Micro USB, Thunderbolt or other Video ports options on Laptops need to addressed by Owner.

25 Information: Hyatt Regency Orange County, California
IEEE Discounted Corporate Rate- $158 w/ complimentary standard Internet To book this rate, visit enter your dates and click on the “Special Rates” link. Enter your Corporate Rate (CR) number “98789” in the “Corporate or Group Code” box and hit “Check Availability”. Or you can call Hyatt Reservations at and request the “IEEE” rate. This rate is valid through 4/30/18. Flyer sent to the Stds-802-All reflector.

26 F4.031 - Motion to Authorize Travel to IEEE-SA Contracts mtg
Move to authorize Bob Heile to spend up to $750 for him to attend the Contracts meeting 4th Dec 2017 in Piscataway, NJ (plus RevCom and NesCom as long as he is there – held concurrently on the 5th of Dec.) Moved: Jon Rosdahl 2nd: Adrian Stephens Results: Unanimous

27 F4.032- Motion to authorize Site & Network Validation trip
Whereas we have the opportunity to hold two sessions at the Le Centre Sheraton Hotel in Montreal, Quebec, CA. (2020 and 2022) we want to ensure we will have a good experience. Authorize expenses not to exceed $4500 for a mtg space and a network site qualification at the Le Centre Sheraton Hotel in Montreal, Quebec, CA. Bob Heile and a Network Engineer will fly up on the 29th and perform the site visit on the 30th and report back. Move: Jon Rosdahl 2nd: Adrian Stephens Results: Unanimous

28 F4.033 - Motion to Extend PCO Contract
Authorize the issuance of an IEEE conformant MSA agreement for Face to Face Events for PCO services for 2019 – 2023. Moved: Jon Rosdahl Second: Adrian Stephens Results: Unanimous

29 Future Venue Insight Future 802 Plenary Sessions:
March Hyatt Regency O’Hare – Rosemont, IL July Manchester Grand Hyatt – San Diego Nov Bangkok, Thailand Contract Status doc 802 EC-16/66r2:

30 Save the Date: March 4-9 – Rosemont, IL USA
802 Plenary March 2018 Save the Date: March 4-9 – Rosemont, IL USA Registration target to open: 1 Dec 2017 Hotel Information: Hyatt Regency O’Hare 9300 Bryn Mawr Ave Rosemont, IL USA60018

31 *F8.045 Executive Secretary report
LMSC 802 – P&P list of major duties: Oversee Venue selection – Present summaries of venue options. Oversee activities related to facilities and services Carry out Duties of Treasurer if Treasurer unavailable Chairs Guideline list of major duties: 1) 802 Meetings: Efficiency Improvement 2) 802 Plenary Sessions: Facilities and Services 3) IEEE 802 Registration Database 4) Assist IEEE 802 Treasurer

32 doc: 802 EC-17/0198r4 November 2017 F8.05 – Announcement of 802 EC Interim Telecon (Tuesday 6 Feb 2018, 1-3pm ET) Agenda for Interim EC meeting – Tuesday 6 Feb PM ET Initial Proposed Draft Agenda Welcome/Intro/Approve Agenda  Nikolich  min Report: EC Action Item Summary - D’Ambrosia 10 min The EC AdHoc Marks 15 min Venue Issues: Report: March 2018 Plenary Status - Rosdahl  3 min Report on 2020 Future Venue Contract status - Rosdahl min Formal Actions – Motions from WG Chairs Other Reports from WG Chairs Per Chairs Guideline – Confirm during the Closing EC Plenary. Other items to be ed to Jon IEEE 802 November 2017 Plenary

33 *F8.06 – Call for Tutorials for Nov 2017 Plenary
doc: 802 EC-17/0198r4 November 2017 *F8.06 – Call for Tutorials for Nov 2017 Plenary Tutorials to be held Monday, 5 March 2018 Tutorial Request form:  As a reminder please refer to Chair's Guidelines section 2.5 Tutorials for the logistics for participating in sponsoring/presenting a Tutorial. Note that Tutorial times are 80 minutes with 10 minutes to allow for presenters to setup and depart. All requests for Tutorials must be made by 19 January 2018 All official tutorial request forms must be submitted no later than 45 days in advance of the Plenary Session. Approved Tutorial Requests will be assigned a time slot based on the order in which they were received. The Final Tutorial Schedule will be posted at and no less than 14 days in advance of the Plenary Session. IEEE 802 November 2017 Plenary

34 Straw Poll for Returning to This Venue
Would you like to return to this venue? Y: 93   N: 20 – Y: 20 N: 12 Did you enjoy the social? 802.3 Y: 110  N: 5    Did Not Attend: 21 – Y: 25 N: 2 Did not attend: 8

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