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2014-2015 CUSD Budget Cover Contest.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-2015 CUSD Budget Cover Contest."— Presentation transcript:

1 CUSD Budget Cover Contest

2 First prize is a $250.00 VISA Gift Card.

3 First prize is a $250.00 VISA Gift Card.
First place winner’s entry will be used as CUSD’s budget cover.

4 First prize is a $250.00 VISA Gift Card.
First place winner’s entry will be used as CUSD’s budget cover. Four runners up will receive $50.00 gift cards.

5 First prize is a $250.00 VISA Gift Card.
First place winner’s entry will be used as CUSD’s budget cover. Four runners up will receive $50.00 gift cards. Their artwork will be displayed on subsections within the proposed/adopted budget.

6 Artwork must include photos or illustrations of students.

7 Artwork must include photos or illustrations of students.
Artwork is in color, black and white, and/or computer generated.

8 Artwork must include photos or illustrations of students
Artwork is in color, black and white, and/or computer generated Page layout is landscape -- on 11” x 8 1/2” paper.

9 Last year’s Budget Cover Contest winners…






15 This next one didn’t win; it was an entry from last year that I thought was cool…


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