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Single-Source All-Destinations Shortest Paths With Negative Costs

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1 Single-Source All-Destinations Shortest Paths With Negative Costs
Directed weighted graph. Edges may have negative cost. No cycle whose cost is < 0. Find a shortest path from a given source vertex s to each of the n vertices of the digraph.

2 Single-Source All-Destinations Shortest Paths With Negative Costs
Dijkstra’s O(n2) single-source greedy algorithm doesn’t work when there are negative-cost edges. Floyd’s Q(n3) all-pairs dynamic-programming algorithm does work in this case.

3 Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Single-source all-destinations shortest paths in digraphs with negative-cost edges. Uses dynamic programming. Runs in O(n3) time when adjacency matrices are used. Runs in O(ne) time when adjacency lists are used.

4 Decision Sequence s w v To construct a shortest path from the source to vertex v, decide on the max number of edges on the path and on the vertex that comes just before v. Since the digraph has no cycle whose length is < 0, we may limit ourselves to the discovery of cycle-free (acyclic) shortest paths. A path that has no cycle has at most n-1 edges.

5 Problem State s w v Problem state is given by (u,k), where u is the destination vertex and k is the max number of edges. (v,n-1) is the state in which we want the shortest path to v that has at most n-1 edges.

6 Cost Function s w v Let d(v,k) be the length of a shortest path from the source vertex to vertex v under the constraint that the path has at most k edges. d(v,n-1) is the length of a shortest unconstrained path from the source vertex to vertex v. We want to determine d(v,n-1) for every vertex v.

7 Value Of d(*,0) d(v,0) is the length of a shortest path from the source vertex to vertex v under the constraint that the path has at most 0 edges. s d(s,0) = 0. d(v,0) = infinity for v != s.

8 Recurrence For d(*,k), k > 0
d(v,k) is the length of a shortest path from the source vertex to vertex v under the constraint that the path has at most k edges. If this constrained shortest path goes through no edge, then d(v,k) = d(v,0).

9 Recurrence For d(*,k), k > 0
If this constrained shortest path goes through at least one edge, then let w be the vertex just before v on this shortest path (note that w may be s). s w v We see that the path from the source to w must be a shortest path from the source vertex to vertex w under the constraint that this path has at most k-1 edges. d(v,k) = d(w,k-1) + length of edge (w,v).

10 Recurrence For d(*,k), k > 0
d(v,k) = d(w,k-1) + length of edge (w,v). s w v We do not know what w is. We can assert d(v,k) = min{d(w,k-1) + length of edge (w,v)}, where the min is taken over all w such that (w,v) is an edge of the digraph. Combining the two cases considered yields: d(v,k) = min{d(v,0), min{d(w,k-1) + length of edge (w,v)}}

11 Pseudocode To Compute d(*,*)
// initialize d(*,0) d(s,0) = 0; d(v,0) = infinity, v != s; // compute d(*,k), 0 < k < n for (int k = 1; k < n; k++) { d(v,k) = d(v,0), 1 <= v <= n; for (each edge (u,v)) d(v,k) = min{d(v,k), d(u,k-1) + cost(u,v)} } Note d(v,0) is infinity except when v = s.

12 p(*,*) Let p(v,k) be the vertex just before vertex v on the shortest path for d(v,k). p(v,0) is undefined. Used to construct shortest paths.

13 Example 1 2 4 3 6 5 7 -6 9 1 Source vertex is 1.

14 Bellman-Ford algorithm
Nice visualizations:

15 Example v - - - - - - - - - - - k - - - - - - - 3 7 1 1 - 3 7 7 16 8 1
2 4 3 6 5 7 -6 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 v - - - - - - - - - - - k - - - - - - - 1 Get from start vertex to every other vertex using at most k edges 3 7 1 1 - 3 7 7 16 8 1 2 1 4 4 2 - 3 2 7 7 10 8 6 2 1 3 4 - 4 2 6 7 10 8 6 2 1 3 4 d(v,k) p(v.k)

16 Example v - 2 6 7 10 8 6 2 1 3 4 k - 2 6 7 9 8 6 2 1 3 4 d(v,k) p(v.k)
5 7 -6 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 v 4 - 2 6 7 10 8 6 2 1 3 4 k - 5 2 6 7 9 8 6 2 1 3 4 d(v,k) p(v.k)

17 Shortest Path From 1 To 5 - 2 6 7 9 8 6 2 1 3 4 p(v,5) d(v,5) 1 -6 3 4
2 6 7 9 8 6 2 1 3 4 p(v,5) d(v,5)

18 Observations d(v,k) = min{d(v,0),
min{d(w,k-1) + length of edge (w,v)}} d(s,k) = 0 for all k. If d(v,k) = d(v,k-1) for all v, then d(v,j) = d(v,k-1), for all j >= k-1 and all v. i.e. the shortest path uses k-1 edges If we stop computing as soon as we have a d(*,k) that is identical to d(*,k-1) the run time becomes O(n3) when adjacency matrix is used. O(ne) when adjacency lists are used.

19 Observations The computation may be done in-place.
d(v) = min{d(v), min{d(w) + length of edge (w,v)}} instead of d(v,k) = min{d(v,0), min{d(w,k-1) + length of edge (w,v)}} Following iteration k, d(v,k+1) <= d(v) <= d(v,k) On termination d(v) = d(v,n-1). Space requirement becomes O(n) for d(*) and p(*).

20 Applications Distance-vector routing protocols
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP)

21 Edit Distance* How similar are two strings? For example:
Applications in Spell correction, computational biology, Machine Translation, etc. For example: The user type “Graffe” Which is closest? Graf Graft Grail Giraffe Source *:

22 Edit Distance* The minimum edit distance between two strings
Editing operations are: Insertion Deletion Substitution  Minimum number of editing operations to transform one string into another Source *:

23 Edit Distance* Sequence of edits from one string to another
Source *:

24 Edit Distance* Initial state: the word we’re transforming
Operations: insert, delete, substitute Goal state: the word we’re trying to get to Path cost (target function to be minimized): the number of edits Source *:

25 Edit Distance* All edit sequences are too many
We cannot explore all of them (brute force) Many paths wind up at the same state Keep the shortest path to each of those revisited states Source *:

26 Edit Distance* All edit sequences are too many
We cannot explore all of them (brute force) Many paths wind up at the same state Keep the shortest path to each of those revisited states Source *:

27 Edit Distance* For two strings Define d(i,j) X of length n
Y of length m Define d(i,j) The edit distance between X[1…i] and Y[1..j] i.e. the edit distance concerning the first i characters of X and the first j characters of Y The goal state is d(n,m) i.e. the edit distance concerning all characters of X and all characters of Y Source *:

28 Edit Distance* Initialization: Recurrence: d(i,0) = i d(0,j) = j
For each i = 1 … N For each j = 1 … M d(i,j) = min { d(i-1,j) + 1, d(i,j-1) + 1, if X(i)==Y(j) { d(i-1,j-1) } else {d(i-1,j-1) + 1 } Source *:

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