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Atomic Structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Atomic Structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atomic Structure

2 Atomic Structure Elements the “stuff” of which all things are made
C, H, O and N most common in living things 90% of all atoms on Earth are H

3 Atomic Structure Element = a distinct type of atom Hydrogen (H)
Gold (Au)

4 Atomic Structure An atom is made up of 3 particles: Protons (p+)
Neutrons (n0) Electrons (e-)

5 Protons (p+) Charge - Positive Location - nucleus
Mass – 1 atomic mass unit (amu)

6 Atomic Number = # of protons an element has Atomic Number 2 He 4.003

7 Atomic Number e.x. the atomic number of Hydrogen
is 1 because it has 1 proton

8 Atomic Number What is the atomic number of Lithium? 3
How many protons does it have? What is the atomic number of carbon? 6

9 Charge -none (Neutron – Neutral) Location - nucleus
Neutrons (n0) Charge -none (Neutron – Neutral) Location - nucleus Mass – 1 atomic mass unit (amu) Neutrons

10 Neutrons Isotope = an atom of a certain element that
has a different # of neutrons than other atoms of that element e.g. Most C atoms have 6 neutrons (C12) but some have 8 (C14)

11 Isotopes For what is Carbon 14 used? carbon dating
(radiometric dating)

12 Atomic Nucleus The nucleus contains most of the atomic mass protons + neutrons = Atomic mass

13 Review 1. What does F stand for? Fluorine
2. What is its atomic number ? 9 3. How many protons does it have? 4. How many electrons does it have?

14 Review 5. What is Fluorine's atomic mass? 19
6. How many neutrons does it have? 10 atomic mass - protons = neutrons 19 – 9 = 10 neutrons

15 Electrons (e-) Charge - Negative
Location – in orbit in electron shell or cloud around the nucleus Mass – negligible (too small to count!) (9.1 X kg) # electrons = # of protons (for now)

16 Electrons Valence electrons- electrons in outermost shell of atom
Determine the properties of an element e.g. taste, texture, appearance, color Determine how an element reacts chemically

17 Models of the Atom Studies done by Chemists for years has lead to different models of the atom Earnest Rutherford Gold foil experiment-discovered nucleus Neils Bohr Schrodinger and Heisenburg Probability Cloud Louis de Broglie –moving matter possesses a wavelength

18 Gold Foil Experiment

19 Models of the Atom Bohr model (planetary model) -Neils Bohr in 1911
Electrons orbit the nucleus with different energies (on a path, like planets orbit the sun)

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