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Facebook continued 9/8/16.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook continued 9/8/16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facebook continued 9/8/16

2 Agenda Saving blogs as a word doc and uploading to sakai
Facebook discussion Image analysis activity Homework: Food porn readings

3 Saving blogs as a doc Copy and paste blog into a microsoft word doc
When ‘save as’ – write your last name and blog 1 Post to sakai – resources – blog #1

4 How do ideas of body image get created on FB?

5 Facebook Self Gil-Or, et. al.
FB interactions can improve self-esteem of people with low self-esteem, but can lead to excessive use and addiction FB self = more socially acceptable Presenting false self on FB = easier and less risky Vulnerable users may create FB self that is more rewarding and appealing than true identity, this can lead to addiction

6 How does one create a “Facebook-self’?

7 What can you learn about people from Facebook?

8 Junco’s argument What do you think of Junco’s findings that for Seniors, FB use doesn’t equate to a lower GPA?

9 Is Social Media Sabotaging Real Communication?

10 Six Tips for Keeping E-Communication Real (Tardanico)
Address your issues. If you are drawing a conclusion (i.e. they’re in a bad mood, unsupportive, or unwilling to engage) or are experiencing a conflict based on an electronic exchange, pick up the phone or have a face-to-face conversation to clear things up. Check yourself. Take some extra time to check your own communications to ensure you aren’t unwittingly sending an inaccurate message.  Make an effort to put forth an accurate picture of reality. Acknowledge the challenge. As a manager, chances are that you’re dealing with different generations who have markedly different communication preferences.  Talk with them about this dynamic and ask for input on the best way to keep communication flowing through your team. Don’t cop out. Find a way to stay connected to your people as human beings.  Their relationship with you — their leader — is one of the determining factors in their level of engagement in the job and loyalty to the organization. Beware of the say-do gap. if your actions and reality are not consistent with your words, this disconnect will damage your credibility and impede your ability to lead effectively. Keep the communication two-way. Pay attention to what’s coming back to you to see if your message is understood and embraced.

11 Good example of academic writing
Junco, top of pg. 19

12 Image activity In groups, scour the internet/social media for generic (no images of people that anyone in here would know) and post two interesting and appropriate photos you want to analyze. Post the 2 images with captions as you might think it would appear in a facebook post – maybe something you have seen recently. Post to “analyzing fb images” on our website We will then analyze them as a class

13 Homework Read Food Porn articles for Tuesday
Post two discussion questions based on the reading to website – homework due 9/13

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