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Douala, Panel 4: Session on Perspective of civil society

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Presentation on theme: "Douala, Panel 4: Session on Perspective of civil society"— Presentation transcript:

1 Douala, 28.06.2013 Panel 4: Session on Perspective of civil society

2 Structure Who we are What we do Holistic approach Evaluation and transparency

3 Who we are Voice of Organizations in Cocoa in Europe advocates for a sustainable change in the Cocoa sector: Netherlands FNV Bondgenoten, STOP THE TRAFFIK, Oxfam Novib Germany Südwind-Institut Belgium Oasis, Oxfam Wereldwinkels, FGTB/HORVAL Switzerland Declaration of Berne

4 What we do Northern NGOs/Unions played an important role in consumer countries to: Support cocoa producers to get their voices heard Collect information on the cocoa business Increase pressure on companies to strive for sustainability Raise public awareness through campaigns and media work Inform consumers and ask them to purchase sustainable cocoa

5 What we do NGOs/Unions can:
Pressure companies to support the sustainability of farmers in remote villages Remind all stakeholders of their responsibilities for the farmers Do research and provide information Explain the situation in producer communities to consumers and media

6 What we do NGOs/Unions - successes:
Awareness and dialog among stakeholders rose Sustainability initiatives rose dramatically over the last five years partly due to pressure from NGOs Many more commitments by companies Providing support to producer organisation Capacity-building of farmer organisations (also on international level)

7 Needed: A holistic approach - All stakeholders have to be on board
Certification is: A tool to indicate that there is compliance with certain standards Is an important step of a process Success depends on implementation of good processes Can provide a framework for improvement Is complementary to regulation Needed: A holistic approach - All stakeholders have to be on board

8 Holistic approach We have to talk about:
Future of farmers and cocoa farming Living income Prices Access to remote areas Social components Social and environmental benefits Gender Infrastructure

9 Evaluation and transparency
Impact of the programme has to be evaluated by an accredited, independent auditing institution Evaluation should follow internationally agreed/acknowledge principles such as: the principles defined in the Bellagio Principles or ISEAL (“Assessing the Impacts of Social and Environmental Standards Systems v1.0 - ISEAL Code of Good Practice“) or comparable guidelines.

10 Thanks for your attention!

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