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Force Vectors Principles of Engineering

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1 Force Vectors Principles of Engineering
© 2012 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

2 Vectors Vector Quantities Vector Notation
Have both a magnitude and direction Examples: Position, force, moment Vector Notation Vectors are given a variable, such as A or B Handwritten notation usually includes an arrow, such as

3 Illustrating Vectors Vectors are represented by arrows Include magnitude, direction, and sense Magnitude: The length of the line segment Magnitude = 3 Note that the magnitude is the length of the hypotenuse. 30° +X

4 Illustrating Vectors Vectors are represented by arrows Include magnitude, direction, and sense Direction: The angle between a reference axis and the arrow’s line of action Direction = 30° counterclockwise from the positive x-axis 30° +x

5 Illustrating Vectors Vectors are represented by arrows Include magnitude, direction, and sense Sense: Indicated by the direction of the tip of the arrow Sense = Upward and to the right 30° +x

6 Sense +y (up) +y (up) -x (left) +x (right) -y (down) -y (down)
(0,0) -y (down) -y (down) When there is more than one vector force and they are added together, it is crucial to keep track of sense. The standard convention is that right in the X direction is a positive number, and X in the left direction is considered negative. Y in the up direction is positive, and Y in the down direction is negative. -x (left) +x (right)

7 Trigonometry Review Right Triangle A triangle with a 90° angle
Sum of all interior angles = 180° Pythagorean Theorem: c2 = a2 + b2 Hypotenuse (hyp) 90° Opposite Side (opp) Adjacent Side (adj)

8 Trigonometry Review Trigonometric Functions soh cah toa
sin θ° = opp / hyp cos θ° = adj / hyp tan θ° = opp / adj Hypotenuse (hyp) 90° Opposite Side (opp) Adjacent Side (adj)

9 Trigonometry Application
The hypotenuse is the Magnitude of the Force, F In the figure here, The adjacent side is the x-component, Fx The opposite side is the y-component, Fy Hypotenuse F 90° Opposite Side Fy Adjacent Side Fx Note that if the other acute angle had been given, the x-component would be the opposite side!

10 Trigonometry Application
sin θ° = Fy / F cos θ° = Fx / F tan θ° = Fy / Fx Fy= F sin θ° Fx= F cos θ° Hypotenuse F 90° Opposite Side Fy Adjacent Side Fx This is only true when the angle is measured to the horizontal axis as shown in the picture. Fx and Fy are negative if left or down, respectively.

11 Vector X and Y Components
Magnitude = 75.0 lb Direction = 35.0°CCW from positive x-axis Sense = right, up +y When the x and y components are calculated, it can be assumed that the x component will have a higher value because the vector is closer to the horizontal than the vertical. A =75.0 lb opp= F A y 35.0° -x +x adj= F A x -y

12 Vector X and Y Components
Solve for F A x cos θ = adj hyp cos θ = F A x A cos 35.0° = F A x lb F A x =75.0 lb cos 35.0° up +y F A x =61.4 lb A =75.0 lb opp= F A y 35.0° -x +x adj= F A x -y

13 Vector X and Y Components
Solve for F A y sin θ = opp hyp sin θ= F A y A sin 35.0°= F A y lb F A y =75.0 lb sin 35.0° up +y F A y =43.0 lb A =75.0 lb opp= F A y 35.0° -x +x adj= F A x -y

14 Vector X and Y Components – Your Turn
Magnitude = Direction = Sense = 75.0 lb 35.0°CW from positive x-axis +y right, down adj= F B x -x +x 35.0° opp= F B y B =75.0 lb -y

15 Vector X and Y Components – Your Turn
Solve for F B x cos θ = adj hyp cos θ = F B x B cos 35.0° = F B x lb +y F B x =75.0 lb cos 35.0° right F B x =61.4 lb adj= F B x -x +x 35.0° opp= F B y B =75.0 lb -y

16 Vector X and Y Components – Your Turn
Solve for F B y sin θ = opp hyp sin θ = −F B y B sin 35.0° = − F B y lb +y F B y =75.0 lb sin 35.0° down F B y =−43.0 lb adj= F B x -x +x The negative is chosen in the second equation because the y-component is in the negative direction. That makes F_By negative, and right triangle trig (SOH-CAH-TOA) assumes positive side lengths. 35.0° opp= F B y B =75.0 lb -y

17 Resultant Force Two people are pulling a boat to shore. They are pulling with the same magnitude. A =75.0 lb This is an example of pulling a boat onto shore. B =75.0 lb

18 Resultant Force List the forces according to sense.
Label right and up forces as positive, and label left and down forces as negative. A =75.0 lb F A y =43.0 lb F A x =61.4 lb F x F A x = lb F B x = lb F y F A y = lb F B y =−43.0 lb F B x =61.4 lb This slide represents two free body diagrams. The first is a free body diagram with the vector forces shown with their true angles. The second free body diagram shows the vector forces broken into their X and Y components, which is more useful for summing forces. F B y =−43.0 lb B =75.0 lb

19 Resultant Force Sum (S) the forces F x
F A x =+61.4 lb F B x = lb F y F A y = lb F B y =−43.0 lb F x = F A x + F B x F x = lb lb F x =122.9 lb (right) F y = F A y + F B y F y = lb+(− lb)=0 Magnitude is lb Direction is 0° from the positive x-axis Sense is right

20 Resultant Force Draw the resultant force ( F R ) Magnitude is 123 lb
Direction is 0° from the positive x-axis Sense is right F A y =43.0 lb F A x =61.4 lb F R =122.9 lb F B x =61.4 lb F B y =−43.0 lb

21 Resultant Force C =300 lb Determine the sense, magnitude, and direction for the resultant force. Note that the decimal points in the 300. and 400. lb quantities indicate that they have been measured to the nearest 1 lb, not to the nearest 100 lb. This determines how precisely we can know the results of calculations. Keeping track of this precision requires knowledge of “significant figures,” which is beyond the scope of PoE. PoE course materials will use the correct precision in results, the national PoE exam does not require you to know how to handle significant figures. D =400 lb

22 Resultant Force Find the x and y components of vector C.
F C x =300 lb cos 60° right F C x =150 lb F C y =300 lb sin 60° up F C y =260 lb C =300 lb F C y F C x

23 Resultant Force Find the x and y components of vector D.
F D x =400 lb cos 30° right F D x =350 lb F D y =400 lb sin 30° down F D y =−200 lb F D x F D y D =400 lb When solving for the y-component, the negative is chosen because the y-component for vector D is in the negative direction.

24 Resultant Force List the forces according to sense.
Label right and up forces as positive, and label left and down forces as negative. F C y =259.8 lb C =300 lb F x F C x = lb F D x = lb F y F C y = lb F D y =−200.0 lb F C x =150.0 lb F D x =346.4 lb D =400 lb F D y =−200.0 lb

25 Resultant Force Sum (S) the forces F x F C x =+150.0 lb
F D x = lb F y F C y = lb F D y =−200.0 lb F x = F C x + F D x F x =150.0 lb lb=496.4 lb (right) F y = F C y + F D y F y =259.8 lb+ −200.0 lb =59.8 lb (up) Sense is right and up.

26 Resultant Force Draw the x and y components of the resultant force.
F x =496.4 lb (right) F y =59.8 lb up Two equivalent ways to draw the X and Y components In order to portray the correct direction for the resultant force, it is crucial that the tail for the first force is the beginning point for the tail of the resultant vector. 496.4 lb F R 59.8 lb 59.8 lb F R 496.4 lb

27 Resultant Force Solve for magnitude. Magnitude is 500. lb
a 2 + b 2 = c 2 (59.8 lb) 2 + (496.4 lb) 2 = F R 2 59.8 lb lb 2 = F R F R =500.0 lb F R 59.8 lb 496.4 lb The answer has a decimal point shown to indicate it is known to the nearest 1 pound. Magnitude is 500. lb

28 Resultant Force Solve for direction. 500. lb 59.8 lb 496.4 lb
Direction is 7° counterclockwise from the positive x-axis.

29 Resultant Force Draw the resultant force (FR) Magnitude = 500. lb
Direction = 7° CCW from positive x-axis Sense = right and up 500. lb

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