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Parent Presentation to Lincoln Elementary Ammie George ECE 497 Child Development Capstone Instructor Kara Bullock August 14, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Presentation to Lincoln Elementary Ammie George ECE 497 Child Development Capstone Instructor Kara Bullock August 14, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Presentation to Lincoln Elementary Ammie George ECE 497 Child Development Capstone Instructor Kara Bullock August 14, 2015

FACTS ABOUT THIS SCHOOL Pre-K through sixth Grade 765 Students that attend 94% of students are approved for free or reduced lunch 58% od the students are learning a second language

At all levels, the relationships and connections between the people and systems that make up communities and our state are important for providing children and teens with the support and opportunities they need to ne successful in life”. (Framework for Building Partnership among schools , Families, and Communities)


With the Children My role is to be a role model and a great leader, Also to make sure that the kids have a positive learning experience in a safe and warm environment. With the Parents My job is to provide them with a nurturing environment, help them with available resource that may be needed, and to help them in any way possible so that they can understand that my job is to help their child reach their full potential.

6 Middle childhood development
During this time a child has the ability to master new skills , has a more logical process, and also mastering reading, writing, and other academics.

7 During this age group they are also learning how to play and participate in games that require rules, learning about the world around them and understanding morality, friendship and things about themselves.

8 Working together “As the mesosystem and exosystem in Bronfenbrenner’s model make clear connections to the neighborhood and the larger community, both formal organizations such as school, workplace, recreation center, child-care center, and religious institution, and informal social network of relatives, friends and neighbors influence parent-child relationships.” (Berk,2013,pg 571)

9 Epstein’s Involvement
These six types of Involvement are put into play so that the family and the community can have a better connection so that the students will have a great school experience.

10 PARENTING There is a saying that the parents are a child’s first teacher and this is very true. A child mimics everything that they see parents do which is why it is so imperative to be a great role model. Set the right foundation at home so that other great leaders in the Community can help build on the foundation that you have set.

11 COMMUNICATING There are several great ways to keep in contact with parents and to keep them involved in what’s going on in the classroom. In my classroom we use Logs and conferences. A newsletter is also another great way to keep parents involved.

12 VOLUNTEERING There are numerous things that parents can do to volunteer in their child’s school. They can organize school fundraisers, and they may do something as simple as coming in to read a book to the class.

13 LEARNING AT HOME By simply helping a child with homework , parents are able to help their child learn at home. There are several schools that have workshops that specifically teach parents how to assist their child with learning at home.

14 DECISION MAKING Parents have more say so then they think. They need to make a decision to be an active part of school meetings (PTO) because their opinions about activities, curriculum, etc.. Really do matter.

There are several organizations here in Georgia that network with the schools so that the kids have a place afterhours to still be able to learn with positive mentors. Those programs are Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, or an After School Enrichment Program.

16 References Berk, L. E. (2013).Child development. (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Epstein, J. (n.d.). Epstein's framework of six types of involvement. Retrieved from Jankie695Corolla. (2014, March 12). Urie Bronfenbrenner Ecological Theory [Video file]. Retrieved from

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