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Day 2 August 18th, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 2 August 18th, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 2 August 18th, 2016

2 To Do List – August 18th Sit in your assigned seat QUIETLY
Get our your agenda (money If you want to buy an agenda), Academic Plan, Facebook HW Write down your HW in your agenda! Letter to Me and Academic Plan Signed (due tomorrow) 1st Core: Fill in the Open House Agenda that is on your desk! You only fill out the 6th grade column! Warm Up: Think of 3 fun facts about yourself that you can share with a classmate.

3 Open House TONIGHT! 6pm-8pm! Start in Gym at 6pm
Parents and Students will walk schedule and have about 10 minutes to talk with each teacher This is not the time for parent teacher conferences, but parents will be able to sign up for conferences on this night!

4 Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up! When the music plays, you will stand up and wander around the room. When the music stops, you will high-five the person closest to you and introduce yourselves. Try to pick someone you don’t already know! When I start the timer, partner “A” will share at least 3 (or more) fun facts from his or her survey. Within this time, partner “B” should repeat back what partner “A” told them, and ask at least one question. When time is up, you will switch roles and repeat the process for 30 seconds. The music will start again, and you will get the opportunity to “pair-up” with several other partners throughout this activity.

5 Academic Plan Review! Remind Handout

6 Class Rules Be in your seat with all necessary materials at the beginning of class (on time!) Complete your warm up before class begins! Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. Respect the people and materials of room 603. Follow directions the first time they are given. No cursing or teasing.

7 Consequences for Rule Breaking
First Time – Warning Second Time – Parent Notification Third Time – Lunch Detention Fourth Time – Parent Conference Fifth Time – Referral

8 Keep this with you at all times! What happens if I lose it??
Planner Card Keep this with you at all times! What happens if I lose it??

9 Rewards Students with 5 or less planner card signature at the end of the quarter will receive an incentive! Incentives may include: Positive Notes/Phone Call Home HW Pass, Music Pass, Drop Quiz Grade Pass, Scratch off ticket for bonus points Candy Free Time/Movie time in class (Maybe)

10 WHYYYYY????? Procedures are a part of life. We follow procedures for approaching a stop light, boarding an airplane, and attending a wedding. The reason we have procedures in life is so that people can function in society knowing the acceptable and efficient ways people do things.

11 Procedures Entering the Classroom Borrowing a Pencil:
Be on time or early. Sit in your assigned seat. Read the To Do List and agenda. Begin working on the warm up. Borrowing a Pencil: There will be sharpened pencils in the student area for you to borrow. Walk SILENTLY to get a pencil. Return the pencil when you are finished with it.

12 Procedures Turning In Assignments When you are absent:
Pay attention to the to do list. If it says I will collect the assignment, leave it out on your desk ready for me to collect. If it says turn it in to the tray, turn it in to your core tray in the student section. When you are absent: You are responsible for getting makeup work from me, from Google Classroom, or from the absent box.

13 Procedures Emergency Bathroom Visits: End of Class Dismissal:
Wait until there is a break in instruction to ask to use the restroom. I will sign your planner card. You only have 6 bathroom passes so use them wisely and take advantage of our bathroom breaks! End of Class Dismissal: I dismiss you, not the clock! Wait to pack up until I tell you to do so. Remain in your seat until I dismiss you!

14 Be present – physically and mentally
Expectations Be present – physically and mentally Be accountable – own it (math anxiety) Be responsible and respectful Have integrity – honest and strong morals

15 Stay in Touch Math 6: text the number 81010, message should be @gfdhe
Honors: text the number 81010, message should

16 Tour of Classroom

17 Class Bingo!

18 HW Tonight – Letter to Me
Write a letter to yourself describing what you want to accomplish this year. You can include how you are feeling right now about middle school, what your expect this year to be like, what type of grades you want to get, etc. Must be 7 sentences to get full credit! Will be turned in tomorrow!

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