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Published byKory Cunningham Modified over 6 years ago
Rural Development Programme of the SR 2007 – 2013
Selection of the Local Action Groups was based on two calls for proposals:
1st call for proposals – announced on April 4th 2008, acceptance of applications December 1st- December 15th 2008 2nd call for proposals– announced October 30th 2009, acceptance of applications January 15th – January 29th 2010 Statute of LAG was approved for 29 LAGs after administrative control of APA and decision made by the selection committee for assessment of integrated local development strategies.
Slovakia has 5 404 322 inhabitants and covers the area of 49 036 km2
Slovakia has 5 inhabitants and covers the area of 49 036 km2. Highlands and mountains cover 60% of the territory, lowlands 40%. From the European point of view, Slovakia has character of mountainous country. According to the territorial and legal division, Slovakia is divided into 4 areas (NUTS 2), 8 regions (NUTS 3), 79 districts (LAU 1), 2890 municipalities (LAU 2) out of which 138 has a statute of town.
29 approved LAGs include:
600 662 inhabitants of Slovakia (11,11 %) , area 8995,32 km2 of Slovakia (18,34%), 544 municipalities (18,82 %). On average 1 LAG includes 20 712 inhabitants, area of 310,2 km 2 and almost 19 municipalities
No. of municipalities in 1 LAG
4 No of inhabitants 44 No. of inhabitants During the programme implementation there were 627 calls for proposals announced from the side of LAG. What on average represents 21,5 calls for 1 LAG.
Measure 4.1 Implementation of ILDS
Within the years 2010 – 2014 the APA accepted 2090 grant applications According to measures and actions as follows: 3.1 diversification into non-agricultural activities– 34 accepted applications 3.2.A support for activities in rural tourism part A (accommodation facilities) accepted applications 3.2.B support for activities in rural tourism part B (marketing of rural tourism and development of the region) – 92 accepted applications
3.3 training and information – 169 accepted applications
Basic services for the economy and rural population – 915 accepted applications Village renewal and development – 736 accepted applications Limit for this group of measures and activities was 60 399 624 €.
Measure 4.2 – implementing cooperation projects
There were 67 applications accepted, out of which for: National cooperation - 29 accepted applications International cooperation- 38 accepted applications Limit of financial menas for the group was 2 910 435 €.
Measure 4.3 – running of LAG
There were 85 applications accepted, out of which there were 29 LAGs approved based on the administration control of APA and decision of committee of the managing authority (ministry). Limit of financial menas for the measure was 12 €.
Accepted grant applications
Measure No. Measure title Accepted grant applications LIMITS (EU+SR = public expenditures total ) Discarded projects Approved projects- enclosed contracts Balance limit I (Limit-approv. grant) % contracting Number Eligible costs Requested contribution Approved grant Total z EU a b c d e f g h i=d-g+s j=g/d 3.1 Divesrification to non-agricultural activites 34 11 23 3.2.A Support for activities for RT- part A 144 55 89 3.2.B Support for activities for RT- part B 92 24 68 3.3 Training and information 169 74 95 3.4.1 Basic services for rural inhabitants 915 137 778 3.4.2 Village renewal and development 736 97 639 Axis 3 implemented through axis 4 LEADER total 2 090 398 1 692 99% 4.1 Implementation of ILDS 85 56 29 2 100% Objective Convergence 3 Other areas -1 4.2 Cooperation projects 67 12 105% National cooperation 26 International cooperation 38 9 4.3 Running of LAG 1 axis4 LEADER total 2 242 466 1 776
Accpeted applications Discarded projects
Measure title Region Accpeted applications Discarded projects Approved projects- enclosed contracts Number Eligible costs Requested grant Approved grant Total From the EU a b c f g h i 3.1 Diversification towards non-agricultural activities BB 5 2 3 KE 19 16 NR 10 6 4 PR TN TT ZA Total ms.3.1 through LEADER 34 11 23 3.2. Support for activities in rural tourism – part A 59 17 42 22 9 13 12 8 31 18 85 269 68 215 95 759 Total ms.3.2A through LEADER 144 55 89
Accpeted spplications Discarded projects
Measure title Region Accpeted spplications Discarded projects Approved projects – enclosed contracts Number Eligible costs Requested grant Approved grant Total From the EU a b c f g h i 3.2. Support for activities in rural tourism – part B BB 24 7 17 KE 18 2 16 NR 1 4 640 3 712 PR 6 11 TN 20 14 TT 5 ZA 3 4 Total ms.3.2B through LEADER 92 68 3.3 Training and information 21 10 26 36 19 45 32 13 30 23 52 813 32 280 25 824 55 605 46 405 37 124 Toral ms.3.3 throuhg LEADER 169 74 95
3.4.1 Basic services for rural inhabitants BA 23 1 167 052 1 144 253 6
Measure title Region Accpeted applications Discarded projects Approved projects – enclosed contracts Number Eligible costs Requested grant Approved grant Total From the EU a b c f g h i 3.4.1 Basic services for rural inhabitants BA 23 6 17 BB 162 33 129 KE 113 4 109 NR 187 29 158 PR 195 39 156 TN 76 13 63 TT 110 10 100 ZA 49 3 46 Total ms through LEADER 915 137 778 3.4.2 Village renewal and development 11 119 22 97 72 2 70 143 20 123 128 18 148 26 122 59 57 56 7 Total ms through LEADER 736 639
Accepted applications
Measure title Region Accepted applications LIMITS (EU+SR = public expenditures total ) % requested means from limits total Discarded projects Approved projects – enclosed contracts Number Eligible costs Requested grant Approved grant Total From the EU a b c d e=c/d f g h i 4.2 Cooperation projects BB 15 3 12 KE 4 NR 10 PR 2 TN 13 TT 8 5 ZA 89 198 1 15 600 12 480 Total ms.4.2 67 127% 55 4.3 Running of LAG 16 11 7 6 9 Total ms.4.3 85 288% 56 29
Accepted applications
Measure title Accepted applications Limits (EU+SR = public expenditure total ) % of requested grants from limits total Discarded projects Approved projects – enclosed contracts Limit balance I (Limits-approv. grant) number Eligible costs Requested grant No. Approved grant Total From the EU a b c d e=c/d f g h i j=d-h Total ms .3.1 through LEADER 34 11 23 Total ms .3.2A through LEADER 144 55 89 Total ms.3.2B through LEADER 92 24 68 Total ms .3.3 through LEADER 169 74 95 Total ms through LEADER 915 137 778 Total ms through LEADER 736 97 639 Total ms.4.2 67 127% 12 Total ms.4.3 85 288% 56 29 1
Grant applications, discarded and approved (contracted) project proposals according to LAGs
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j LAG Chopok juh 02 3.1 0,00 3.2A 3.2B ,00 4 ,82 22 401,18 90,37 5 1 3.3 ,00 3 100,00 7 3.4.1 ,00 ,56 462,44 99,91 10 3.4.2 ,00 13 ,73 0,27 20 LAG Chopok Juh ,00 27 ,11 22 863,89 98,90 42 15 22 LAG Lev 04 79 302 79 301,93 2 54 440,51 24 861,42 68,65 ,93 ,00 71,93 99,96 11 ,50 ,00 42 885,50 79,22 12 8 ,65 76 ,39 -2 322,74 100,25 90 14 ,99 49 ,87 -4 197,88 100,60 57 LAG LEV 138 ,77 61 298,23 97,06 175 37 38
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j LAG "Požitavie - Širočina" 05 3.1 ,00 4 ,00 300,00 99,90 8 3.2A 98 898 98 898,00 2 98 183,14 714,86 99,28 3.2B 0,00 3.3 15 000 15 000,00 100,00 6 3.4.1 ,00 27 ,36 -1 627,36 100,16 37 10 3.4.2 ,00 20 ,28 -5 193,28 100,80 26 LAG "Požitavie - Širočina" ,00 55 ,78 100,28 81 24 LAG Dudváh 07 74 024 74 024,00 3 74 008,61 15,39 99,98 30 310 30 310,00 30 303,00 7,00 1 ,00 ,44 -75,44 100,01 ,00 11 ,93 7,07 12 ,00 ,98 39
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j LAG Stará Čierna voda 08 3.1 0,00 3.2A 85 269 85 269,21 4 100,00 3.2B 76 224 76 224,00 2 3.3 10 970 10 970,00 1 3.4.1 ,79 12 ,16 -303,37 100,04 13 3.4.2 ,00 16 ,27 -7 324,27 100,68 ,00 35 ,64 100,37 36 22 LAG RADOŠINKA 09 3 49 539 49 539,00 10 47 760,00 1 779,00 96,41 ,00 27 ,50 -3 328,50 100,24 8 ,00 ,77 -7 810,77 101,21 29 ,00 64 ,27 100,45 77 24
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j LAG Horný Liptov 13 3.1 0,00 3.2A ,00 3 ,31 42 980,69 73,58 6 3.2B ,00 4 ,10 3 060,90 97,94 7 3.3 3.4.1 ,00 28 ,77 -223,77 100,05 30 2 3.4.2 ,00 32 ,85 -1 803,85 100,14 38 ,00 67 ,03 97,89 81 14 35 LAG Dolnohronské rozvojové partnerstvo 65 000 65 000,00 - 70 000 70 000,00 5 000 5 000,00 1 4 640,00 360,00 92,80 ,44 36 100,00 39 ,56 ,58 -0,02 10 ,00 65 ,02 93,22 82 17 25
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j LAG MALOHONT 16 3.1 ,00 ,00 1 ,44 84 759,56 58,66 3 2 3.2A ,00 ,85 10 ,91 1 001,94 99,77 15 5 3.2B 25 593,24 0,00 100,00 3.3 3.4.1 ,93 40 ,00 93,93 99,99 57 17 3.4.2 ,00 ,09 11 ,48 ,39 104,01 12 ,11 63 ,07 96,39 88 25 20 Podpoľanie 22 ,45 ,31 19 ,00 577,31 99,89 29 ,52 8 ,10 0,42 26 545 26 545,00 4 ,86 21 ,37 5,49 23 ,86 ,17 -5 932,31 101,40 ,00 67 ,09 100,26 87
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j LAG Vodný raj - Aquaparadiso - Víziparadicsom 23 3.1 0,00 3.2A 3.2B 3.3 - 3.4.1 ,00 27 ,00 41 737,00 97,47 34 7 3.4.2 ,00 4 100,00 ,00 31 ,00 98,00 38 11 LAG SVORNOSŤ 24 ,00 2 56 550,00 ,00 28,28 6 50 000 50 000,00 30 000 30 000,00 3 1 ,00 43 ,85 -8 622,85 100,70 48 5 ,00 ,38 8 302,62 98,54 28 75 ,23 ,77 90,74 86 21
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j Kopaničiarsky región - LAG 27 3.1 0,00 3.2A ,59 14 ,77 37 057,82 91,13 23 9 3.2B ,13 4 ,00 0,13 100,00 8 3.3 33 057 33 057,20 26 199,88 6 857,32 79,26 5 1 3.4.1 ,34 16 ,39 1,95 17 3.4.2 ,74 18 ,74 273,00 99,96 Kopaničiarsky región LAG ,00 56 ,78 97,88 71 15 21 LAG Dolná Nitra, o.z. 28 46 300 46 300,00 33 575,00 12 725,00 72,52 13 ,00 25 ,01 -574,01 100,04 3 ,00 ,45 0,55 22 ,00 50 ,46 99,42 63
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j LAGTeplička 30 3.1 0,00 3.2A 30 000 30 000,00 1 19 981,65 10 018,35 66,61 3.2B ,00 5 ,00 160,00 99,92 3.3 33 200 33 200,00 2 32 820,00 380,00 98,86 3.4.1 ,00 11 ,61 1 361,39 99,87 16 3.4.2 ,00 12 ,02 1 512,98 99,81 14 ,00 31 ,28 99,36 38 7 20 LAG Podhoran 39 konvergencia ,53 konvergencia ,10 ostatné obl. ,32 27 ,61 33 6 ostatné obl. ,05 ,15 21 ,00 47 100,00 54 17
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j LAG Zlatá cesta 44 3.1 0,00 3.2A 3.2B ,00 4 ,80 13 567,20 95,48 6 2 3.3 ,00 7 ,85 -0,85 100,00 9 3.4.1 ,78 36 ,95 0,83 46 10 3.4.2 ,22 ,23 -2 673,01 100,26 47 11 ,00 83 ,83 99,48 108 25 16 LAG BACHUREŇ 45 83 000 83 000,00 85 000,00 -2 000,00 102,41 45 000 45 000,00 3 ,00 27 ,79 53,21 40 13 ,00 14 ,00 ,00 101,81 22 8 ,00 ,79 100,62 70 24 19
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j LAG ŠAFRÁN 46 3.1 0,00 3.2A 3.2B 1 3.3 30 000 30 000,00 2 100,00 10 8 3.4.1 ,00 26 ,00 170,00 99,99 36 3.4.2 ,00 22 ,32 4 366,68 99,40 ,00 50 ,32 99,78 69 19 25 LAG Vršatec 47 ,00 3 ,86 10,14 7 4 50 000 50 000,00 49 962,00 38,00 99,92 ,00 9 ,00 684,00 99,49 13 ,00 16 ,20 -5 805,20 101,16 20 ,00 32 ,00 -761,00 100,06 35 ,00 62 ,20 90,36 77 15 39
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j LAG Krtíšskeho Poiplia 48 3.1 0,00 3.2A ,78 13 ,66 2 149,12 99,70 15 2 3.2B 3.3 1 3.4.1 ,10 25 ,10 3 820,00 99,52 26 3.4.2 ,12 21 ,05 200,07 99,96 ,00 59 ,81 65 6 LAG KRAS 49 ,00 3 ,44 582,56 99,73 ,81 8 ,00 87 307,81 79,80 7 ,38 ,00 3 036,38 97,88 ,00 5 ,00 378,00 99,77 ,00 14 ,68 ,68 103,09 ,81 11 100,00 12 ,00 47 ,93 96,28
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j LAGTerchovská dolina 53 3.1 0,00 3.2A 3.2B 3.3 55 605 55 605,13 5 46 404,50 9 200,63 83,45 6 1 3.4.1 ,19 18 ,82 -11,63 100,00 19 3.4.2 ,68 17 LAG Terchovská dolina ,00 40 ,00 99,56 43 3 11 LAG HORNÁD - SLANSKÉ VRCHY, o.z. 57 ,00 ,09 242,91 99,88 ,00 4 ,00 19,00 99,98 89 900 89 900,00 ,00 37 ,25 -1 098,25 100,11 ,00 23 ,88 ,88 102,43 ,00 68 ,22 100,88 69 20
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j LAG RUDOHORIE, o. z. 58 3.1 ,00 9 ,20 2 310,80 99,41 3.2A ,00 - 0,00 2 3.2B 89 480 89 480,00 3 100,00 3.3 ,42 ,00 355,42 99,92 10 1 3.4.1 ,52 31 ,54 -1 973,02 100,25 32 3.4.2 ,06 15 ,00 67 ,80 95,17 71 4 25 LAG SPIŠ 72 ,00 ,33 59 186,67 78,86 5 50 000 50 000,00 80 000,00 20 000,00 80,00 17 13 ,00 27 ,75 0,25 29 ,00 ,00 61 ,08 96,21 81 20 33
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j Naše Považie 78 3.1 0,00 3.2A 3.2B ,00 3 74 282,00 25 718,00 74,28 5 2 3.3 58 000 58 000,00 8 55 735 2 265,00 96,09 10 3.4.1 ,00 20 ,00 1 189,00 99,70 23 3.4.2 ,00 60 ,66 3 395,34 99,79 81 21 ,00 91 ,66 98,51 119 28 18 Agroprameň 80 10 433 ,21 31 ,55 162,66 99,97 33 ,96 17 ,60 46,36 100,00 ,17 48 ,15 99,99 50 19
LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1
LAG code measure LIMITS LAG = Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 Approved grant for LAG ms.4.1 after transfers FP Approved projects – enclosed contracts Balance of limit for LAG (Limits-Approved) % of contracting No of accepted applications No of discarded applications No. Of calls for proposals by LAG Number Approved grant Suma € g h i = d-h j LAG Tokaj - ROVINA, o. z. 81 3.1 ,00 3 ,00 9 752,00 97,71 6 3.2A ,00 5 0,00 100,00 3.2B 60 000 60 000,00 59 530,00 470,00 99,22 3.3 ,00 4 ,00 120,00 99,95 1 3.4.1 ,00 27 ,40 -2 455,40 100,33 30 3.4.2 ,00 21 ,40 -1 817,40 100,44 22 ,00 63 ,80 99,71 71 8
The overview shows that for 1 LAG there are (from –to):
No. of calls for proposals 11 – 39 No. of accepted applications 36 – 178 No. of approved projects 27 – 138 No. of discarded projects 1 – 37
Payments made and finalized projects
according to LAGs
Balance of limit II. (Limits- paid contribution)
Measure Region % of contracting Payments made Balance of limit II. (Limits- paid contribution) Finalised projects No. Of payments Contribution paid No. Of projects Total from EU k=h/d l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s 3.1 Diversification towards non-agricultural activities BB 5 3 KE 12 10 NR 4 PR TN TT ZA Total op.3.1 through LEADER 21 17 3.2. Support for activities for RT- part A 52 37 23 13 98 183 78 547 2 20 18 85 269 68 215 79 860 63 888 Total op.3.2A through LEADER 109 80
Balance of limit II. (Limits- paid contribution)
Measure Region % of contracting Payments made Balance of limit II. (Limits- paid contribution) Finalised projects No. Of payments Contribution paid No. Of projects Total from EU k=h/d l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s 3.2. Support for activities for RT- part B BB 28 17 KE 16 NR PR 14 11 TN TT 4 ZA Total ms.3.2B through LEADER 83 66 3.3 Training and information 21 25 19 96 315 20 13 23 3 30 934 24 747 23 097 18 478 21 897 17 518 Total ms.3.3 through LEADER 115 90
Balance of limit II. (Limits- paid contribution)
Measure Region % of contracting Payments made Balance of limit II. (Limits- paid contribution) Finalised projects No. Of payments Contribution paid No. Of projects Total from EU k=h/d l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s 3.4.1 Basic services for rural inhabitants BA 14 BB 138 128 KE 135 108 NR 174 155 PR 170 156 TN 65 61 TT 113 100 ZA 50 46 Total ms through LEADER 859 768 3.4.2 Village renewal and development 10 112 97 70 142 121 117 110 134 120 67 57 54 49 Total ms through LEADER 733 634
Balance of limit II. (Limits- paid contribution)
Measure Region % of contracting Payments made Balance of limit II. (Limits- paid contribution) Finalised projects No. Of payments Contribution paid No. Of projects Total from EU k=h/d l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s 4.2 Cooperation projects BB 29 12 KE 9 4 NR 27 10 PR 22 TN 19 13 TT 16 ZA 2 15 420 12 336 1 Total ms.4.2 124 96% 54 4.3 Running LAG 77 5 36 66 39 56 49 24 Total ms.4.3 347 91%
Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting
LAG code Measure Payments made Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting Finalised projects Savings in finalised projects No of payments Paid contribution No of projects Contribution paid Total From EU from EU l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s t LAG Chopok juh 02 3.1 3.2A 3.2B 7 4 1 3.3 6 3 9 192 3.4.1 14 5 817 3.4.2 24 13 2 895 LAG Chopok Juh 51 65 519 97% 27 17 905 LAG LEV, o.z. 04 19 776 15 820 10 19 11 14 226 86 76 5 680 54 49 4 311 162 94% 137 24 236 LAG "Požitavie - Širočina" 05 98 183 78 547 2 15 000 12 000 32 2 218 20 6 282 LAG "Požitavie - Širočina" 68 2 695 100% 55 8 500
Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting
LAG code Measure Payments made Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting Finalised projects Savings in finalised projects No of payments Paid contribution No of projects Contribution paid Total From EU from EU l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s t LAG Dudváh 07 3.1 3.2A 3.2B 2 62 597 50 077 3.3 19 964 15 971 1 346 3.4.1 24 20 127 3.4.2 13 11 371 41 22 203 99% 35 1 844 LAG Stará Čierna voda 08 5 85 269 68 215 4 76 224 60 979 1 10 970 8 776 14 12 375 19 16 8 512 1 260 100% 8 887 LAG RADOŠINKA 09 10 45 301 36 240 2 459 30 27 3 107 34 9 138 74 8 170 64 14 705
Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting
LAG code Measure Payments made Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting Finalised projects Savings in finalised projects No of payments Paid contribution No of projects Contribution paid Total From EU from EU l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s t LAG Horný Liptov 13 3.1 3.2A 2 79 860 63 888 3.2B 4 3.3 3.4.1 30 28 224 3.4.2 37 32 1 838 73 85 914 96% 66 2 062 LAG Dolnohronské rozvojové partnerstvo 14 36 34 15 046 26 4 055 64 87% 60 19 101 LAG MALOHONT 16 1 96 209 5 10 8 2 259 25 593 20 475 40 3 322 12 11 11 597 65 94% 61 17 183
Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting
LAG code Measure Payments made Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting Finalised projects Savings in finalised projects No of payments Paid contribution No of projects Contribution paid Total From EU from EU l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s t Podpoľanie 22 3.1 4 2 3.2A 31 18 8 536 3.2B 14 8 3.3 19 632 15 706 1 6 913 3.4.1 23 21 2 099 3.4.2 17 16 8 989 91 35 651 98% 66 26 537 LAG Vodný raj - Aquaparadiso - Víziparadicsom 32 27 193 5 37 41 930 LAG SVORNOSŤ 24 3 26 561 21 249 3 439 43 13 252 1 680 73 87% 18 371
Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting
LAG code Measure Payments made Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting Finalised projects Savings in finalised projects No of payments Paid contribution No of projects Contribution paid Total From EU from EU l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s t Kopaničiarsky región - LAG 27 3.1 3.2A 14 5 873 3.2B 7 4 28 119 3.3 5 12 677 10 142 2 373 3.4.1 18 16 1 902 3.4.2 22 2 142 66 98 579 95% 54 38 409 LAG Dolná Nitra, o.z. 28 33 532 26 826 43 33 24 905 26 21 25 507 63 52 221 97% 49 26 455 LAG Strážovské Vrchy 30 1 19 982 15 985 32 820 26 256 12 11 14 980 2 260 LAG Teplička 36 30 672 99% 31 17 239
Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting
LAG code Measure Payments made Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting Finalised projects Savings in finalised projects No of payments Paid contribution No of projects Contribution paid Total From EU from EU l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s t LAG Podhoran 39 3.1 3.2A 3.2B 3.3 konvergencia 11 10 4 458 konvergencia 9 1 551 ostatné obl. 14 3 372 ostatné obl. 189 44 92% 43 9 571 LAG Zlatá cesta 5 4 729 13 7 1 455 3.4.1 36 3.4.2 37 14 907 LAG Zlatá cesta 91 27 986 99% 83 17 092
Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting
LAG code Measure Payments made Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting Finalised projects Savings in finalised projects No of payments Paid contribution No of projects Contribution paid Total From EU from EU l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s t LAG BACHUREŇ 45 3.1 3.2A 3.2B 2 82 600 66 080 2 400 3.3 3 45 000 36 000 3.4.1 29 27 850 3.4.2 15 14 14 946 49 5 364 100% 46 18 197 LAG ŠAFRÁN 30 000 24 000 28 26 5 377 23 22 306 53 10 219 50 5 683 LAG Vršatec 47 5 49 962 39 970 9 2 415 16 6 608 38 32 2 965 70 15 738 99% 61 11 988
Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting
LAG code Measure Payments made Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting Finalised projects Savings in finalised projects No of payments Paid contribution No of projects Contribution paid Total From EU from EU l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s t LAG Krtíšskeho Poiplia 48 3.1 3.2A 11 8 848 3.2B 3.3 3.4.1 25 24 90 3.4.2 22 21 1 000 58 92% 56 9 938 LAG KRAS 49 4 3 13 8 760 6 5 799 16 14 15 767 10 818 51 95% 47 28 157 LAG Terchovská dolina 53 23 097 18 478 21 897 17 518 5 056 20 18 12 17 314 LAGTerchovská dolina 41 32 822 98% 38 5 382
Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting
LAG code Measure Payments made Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting Finalised projects Savings in finalised projects No of payments Paid contribution No of projects Contribution paid Total From EU from EU l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s t LAG HORNÁD - SLANSKÉ VRCHY, o.z. 57 3.1 2 1 3.2A 3.2B 4 87 296 3.3 3 85 329 68 263 4 571 3.4.1 43 36 6 806 3.4.2 23 23 991 75 57 071 97% 67 35 368 LAG RUDOHORIE, o. z. 58 89 478 71 582 89 480 71 584 11 9 48 306 35 31 7 697 27 15 4 355 79 78% 61 60 359 LAG SPIŠ 72 50 000 40 000 79 903 63 923 97 25 1 008 80 353 96% 1 166
Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting
LAG code Measure Payments made Balance of limit LAG II. (Limit- contribution paid) % contracting Finalised projects Savings in finalised projects No of payments Paid contribution No of projects Contribution paid Total From EU from EU l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s t Naše Považie 78 3.1 3.2A 3.2B 3 74 282 59 426 3.3 7 46 112 36 890 2 543 3.4.1 19 3.4.2 58 4 676 87 -1 624 100% 7 219 Agroprameň 80 32 31 21 17 11 068 53 11 277 99% 48 LAG TOKAJ-ROVINA, o.z. 81 174 15 5 59 530 47 624 4 21 107 41 27 3 987 36 2 904 LAG Tokaj - ROVINA, o. z. 103 34 240 98% 63 28 170
Balance of limit II. (Limits – contributions paid) % contracting
No of measure Measure Payments made Balance of limit II. (Limits – contributions paid) % contracting Finalized projects Savings in finalized projects No of payments Contribution paid No of projects Total from EU l m n o=d-m p=m/d q r s t 3.1 Diversification to non-agricultural activities 21 17 3.2.A Support for activities for RT- part A 109 80 3.2.B Support for activities for RT- part B 83 66 3.3 Training and information 115 90 3.4.1 Basic services for rural inhabitants 859 768 3.4.2 Village renewal and development 733 634 Axis 3 implemented through axis 4 LEADER total 1 920 96% 1 655 4.1 Implementation of ILDS Objective Convergence 1 896 1 631 Other areas 24 87% 3 561 4.2 Cooperation projects 124 54 National cooperation 77 26 International cooperation 47 28 4.3 Running of LAG 347 91% 27 Axis 4 LEADER total 2 391 95% 1 736
Common monitoring indicators of the EU implemented through the measure 4.1 - Axis4
Measure 3.1. (311) Diversification into non-agricultural activities
Type of indicator Indicator Situation up to finalized projects Situation up to finalized projects Output No of beneficiaries 1 11 Total investment in € Result Brutto No of jobs created 2 9 Measure 3.2 A,3.2.B (313) Support for activities for RT No. Of supported activities 38 146 ,26 4 15,5 Measure 3.3. (331) Education and information for economic subjects operating in the areas covered by the axis 3 No of participants of the training/ education activity 878 4028 No of education days 3 786,77 13 144,95 No of participants , who successfully pass the educational activity 379 1707
Measure 3.4.1. (321) Basic services for rural inhabitants
Type of indicator Indicator Situation up to finalized projects Situation up to finalized projects Output No of supported municipalities 392 449 Total investment in € Result No of inhabitants in the rural areas benefiting from the implemented project Increase in internet use in the rural areas 31 950 35 914 Measure (322) Village renewal and development 318 410
Used abbreviations: LAG- local action group APA– Agricultural paying agency RT – Rural tourism Region – Higher Territorial Unit
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