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Effects of World War II: National Changes

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1 Effects of World War II: National Changes

2 What was the impact of World War II on the postwar U.S.?
Global Leadership Seen as an international power Economic Growth America helped with many responsibilities Civil Rights Conflicts within America

3 United States is now a Global Leader
Power vacuum- U.S. and Soviet Union U.S. Powerful Military No Isolationism strategy Confident Wealthy

4 Economic Growth Great Depression ended
Pushed the establishment of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Put a lot of funds towards it Diverse workforce Soldiers going to school

5 Civil Rights Increased thought that Civil Rights needs to be fought for White/Caucasians were not the only people that fought in WWII

6 Soldiers Coming Home Had to be acclimated to society Jobs Families
Diets Changes

7 “Best Years of Our Lives”
Soldiers Coming Home

8 Primary Source Private First Class Patsy Giacchi
Italian American soldier coming home from fighting in WWII in Europe Coming back to America after the war ended and what the soldiers were going back to

9 Assignment Write a letter in which you are set in 1945/after World War II to yourself. Write about what the “New World” is like. Use what ever information you found in ch.11 sec. 5

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