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Chapter 15: Driving in Rural Areas

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1 Chapter 15: Driving in Rural Areas
Start working on the 7 Questions on Page 317

2 Chapter 15: Driving in Rural Areas
Objectives: Characteristics of Rural Traffic Using Basic Skills in Rural Areas Passing & Being Passed on Rural Roads Rural Situations You Might Encounter Special Driving Environments

3 Roadways Have different characteristics Paved, gravel, dirt
Wide, narrow Smooth, rough Inadequate lighting, Very Dark at night


5 Speed Affects line of sight, stopping distance, vehicle control, amount of damage & injury Many speed limits are 55 mph or lower Posted speed limits are for ideal conditions



8 Factors that affect speed selection are:
Other highway users Inclement weather Hills Curves Intersections Narrow roads Animals ( Deer, Cows Etc.)

9 Other highway users

10 Inclement Weather

11 Hills and Road Surface

12 Curves

13 Intersections

14 Narrow Roads

15 Traffic Controls Warn drivers of: Hazards that you cannot yet identify
Major intersections ahead Unusual or hazardous conditions Traffic channeled into reduced space

16 Roadside Hazards Older, narrow, less traveled rural roads present hazards Shoulders may be uneven, soft, or narrow Bridges, guardrails, bushes, trees, sign posts, or steep slopes may be near road’s edge Entrances to businesses, homes, or fields can be a possible conflict Trees, shrubs, or piles of plowed or drifted snow create line-of-sight restrictions

17 Visual Search Pattern Area One - Expand Your Horizons Target your eyes on the horizon or as far ahead of you as you see the road go. This will keep you centered in your lane and give you a heads up on when/where the road turns or if there is a slow down in the traffic flow. Keep your eyes continuously moving between each area of the search pattern every handful of seconds.

18 Visual Search Pattern Area Two - Anticipate Slow Downs Look for slow downs (turning vehicles, road construction, bus stops, lane closures, etc) and anticipate how you will need to alter your driving to interact smoothly with them. Perhaps, you will need to make a lane change or take your foot off the gas.

19 Visual Search Pattern Area Three - Scan Each Intersection Scan intersections at a 45° angle a couple seconds before reaching them. You may want to cover the brake (hover your foot above it) if you are unsure how another vehicle or pedestrian in the intersection are going to act. Be prepared for surprises hidden behind parked cars, buildings and bushes that block your view.

20 Visual Search Pattern Area Four - Watch Your Back Keep tabs on who's about to rear-end you. If you are slowing or stopping and the vehicle behind you is approaching too quickly, tap the brakes so that the brake lights flash. This interrupts the rear driver's day dream and let him know he should also be slowing down.

21 Maintain a 3 Second Following Distance
Longer following distances give you more control when you are: Being tailgated Driving on a steep downhill slope Following a motorcycle Pulling a loaded trailer Following a large vehicle Driving on wet or icy roads

22 Passing on Rural Roads

23 Rural Driving Review Questions
Are more roads in the U.S. rural or urban? Why are rural roads more dangerous at night? What can you do to avoid hitting a deer? How do you apply IPDE to rural driving? When should you increase your following distance to more than 3 seconds?

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