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Eduphoria Aware 101 Eduphoria Aware 101

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Presentation on theme: "Eduphoria Aware 101 Eduphoria Aware 101"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eduphoria Aware 101 Eduphoria Aware 101
District contacts: Tiffany Arce, BranDe Merriman, Eduphoria Aware 101

2 Aware Masters

3 Aware Hot Topics Creating, Printing, and Scanning Assessments
Student Profile Tab Analyze Tab Special Assessment Data Monitor Group vs. Monitor List STAAR Test Maker Item Bank

4 Where are your teachers now? Where do they want/need to be?
Eduphoria Aware Where are your teachers now? Where do they want/need to be?

5 NEISD Aware Help Website

6 Eduphoria Aware Help Website


8 Aware Demo Site demo. schoolobjects
Aware Demo Site Elementary: Username: Password: welcome2017 Secondary: Username: Password: teachne

9 Student Profile Tab

10 Student Profile Tab Locating Students Student Information Link
Journal Notes Assessment History/Scores Forms: AIP and Attach Documents

11 Aware Access/Student Profile Tab
Where are your teachers now? Where do they want/need to be?

12 Analyze Tab

13 Analyze Tab Locate assessment data
View by District, Campus, Teacher, or Individual Student Student Scores Reporting Category/Learning Standard Individual Responses

14 Analyze Tab: General Assessment Data
Where are your teachers now? Where do they want/need to be?

15 Special Assessment Data

16 Special Assessment Data
TELPAS SAT/PSAT AMC Istation Fountas and Pinnell

17 Analyze Tab: Special Assessment Data
Where are your teachers now? Where do they want/need to be?

18 Monitor Group vs. Monitor List

19 Monitor Group vs. Monitor List
Monitor Group (Admin Only) Accelerated Instruction Plan Students STAAR Progress Growth = “0” Monitor List Creating/Editing a Monitor List

20 Where are your teachers now? Where do they want/need to be?
Monitor Groups/Lists Where are your teachers now? Where do they want/need to be?

21 Item Bank

22 Item Bank Item Bank purpose STAAR Released vs. STAAR Test Maker
Locating items by standard Locating items by resource Adding items to the item bank

23 Where are your teachers now? Where do they want/need to be?
Item Bank Where are your teachers now? Where do they want/need to be?

24 Assessments

25 Assessments Quick Test Key vs. New Blank Test
Creating/Editing an Assessment Printing/Scanning Answer Documents Individual vs. Team Tests Student Inventories: Writing and F&P

26 Where are your teachers now? Where do they want/need to be?
Assessments Where are your teachers now? Where do they want/need to be?

27 Questions/Comments


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