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Survey of Principal Social Workers

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1 Survey of Principal Social Workers
PSW SURVEY 2018 Survey of Principal Social Workers

2 Focus of survey Engagement of PSWs with their regional and national networks. Other ways PSWs engage with each other. Issues and themes identified by PSWs for the coming year.

3 Survey respondents 121 PSWs responded to the survey.
69 respondents work with adults, 42 with children and families and 10 work with both. PSWs from all regions responded. As with 2016 and 2017, circa 60% of respondents had been in post for no more than 2 years. 57% of respondents reported that they were in a ‘hybrid’ role, of whom 69% stated they spent no more than 2 days per week to undertake PSW roles/tasks. No of respondents down on last year by 30%, though percentages of adults cf PCFSWs much the same. Numbers in ‘hybrid’ role down from last year, especially PCFSWs.

4 Engagement with national PSW networks.
75% of respondents had attended at least one national network meeting, though 25% had attended none. Meeting location and time to attend meetings can be barriers to attendance. PSWs would prefer more focus on practice and opportunities to work with peers at meetings. Networking, learning from each other, CSW briefings and hearing from expert speakers were seen as the major benefits of national network meetings.

5 Engagement with regional PSW networks
Regional meeting attendance was greater than in the previous year, with only 7% of respondents stating they had not attended any regional meetings. The majority (55%) of respondents did not feel any changes were needed to encourage their attendance at regional meetings, though 34% said that lack of time was their main barrier to attendance. Working with other PSWs on regional issues, networking and learning from each other were identified as the main benefits of attending regional meetings. Last year only 43% of PSWs had attended a regional meeting, indicating that regional network meetings have really taken off over the past year.

6 Other ways in which PSWs do/could communicate and work with each other.
60% of respondents stated that they would value an online space for sharing resources. 49% of respondents read blogs by other PSWs, though only 11% write blogs. Most APSWs (70%) value the national celebration and awareness days initiated by their Chairs. 64% of respondents have Twitter accounts, though PCFSWs are more likely to tweet, and consider Twitter to be an effective method of engagement. 60% of PSWs also work with each other in TPs and ASYE networks. Of course, there is already an online space, but only 30% said they use it! Seems to be an implicit demand for more blog pieces by PSWs.

7 Priorities for coming year.
APSWs identified their national priorities as: raising the profile of PSWs; the coming of SWE; integration with health. PCFSWs identified their national priorities as: raising the profile of PSWs and social workers; NAAS. APSWs identified their regional priorities as: sharing practice and resources; further development of strength-based practice. PCFSWs identified their regional priorities as: sharing and networking.

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