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Working Group 2A ECOSTAT progress report Presented by Wouter van de Bund Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability Inland.

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Presentation on theme: "Working Group 2A ECOSTAT progress report Presented by Wouter van de Bund Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability Inland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Group 2A ECOSTAT progress report Presented by Wouter van de Bund Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability Inland and Marine Waters Unit

2 Issues Status and finalisation of the intercalibration register
Progress in developing guidance for the further intercalibration process Proposed organisation of the further intercalibration process Eutrophication (see agenda item 10.1)

3 Draft intercalibration register

4 Main developments since last SCG meeting...
Draft intercalibration register finalised and presented to Water Directors November 2003 Intercalibration – State-of-Play and Way Forward Annex 1; Outline for a decision on the register of intercalibration sites Annex 2; Information on the draft register of intercalibration sites on the basis of the metadata analysis Annex 3: List of sites in the draft intercalibration register Annex 4: List of additional sites (Preliminary lists of intercalibration sites sent by Finland, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Slovakia and Romania)

5 Sites submitted January 2004
Total: 1075 25 countries No sites from DK, MT, BG See on üks nõut

6 Rivers (status January 2004)
653 sites 25 countries no sites from DK, BG, MT (74)

7 Lakes (status January 2004)
314 sites 21 countries no sites from DK, BG, MT, CZ, GR, LV, SK

8 Coastal/ Transitional (status January 2004)
108 sites 16 countries no sites from DK, BG, MT, ES, IT, LV, PT

9 Finalisation of the intercalibration register

10 Recommendations for finalisation
More sites needed from some countries that have not submitted at all (DK, BG, MT) or not for all categories (CZ, GR, LV, SK, ES, IT, PT) for the draft register for some lake types and all Mediterranean and Baltic Sea types. Allow submission of sites with wider quality range (Moderate-High) However, still need to have sites identified to be provisionally at the boundaries WG2A recommends that all sites would be included in the register to allow later review

11 Proposed timetable for finalisation of the register
April 1, 2004: Revised web-based metadata entry opened 30 April 2004: all countries add/ remove/ revise intercalibration site entries to the register

12 Proposed timetable (2) May 2004: Compilation and overview of site submissions to final register (JRC-EEWAI) EC - DG Environment and Joint Research Centre prepare the draft decision for the SCG and Committee (meeting on May 27/28) June - Aug. 2004: Member States’ revision and finalisation of the draft register on the basis of the comments of SCG and WFD Committee

13 Finalisation continued..
Proposed timetable (3) 30 September: Submission of final register including the metqdqtq for the sites submitteb by 30 April for SCG and WFD Committee (meeting on Oct. 27/28) – following possible revision or deletion of sites provisionally submitted by 30 April. November-December 2004: translations January 2005: Meeting of WFD Committee, voting of decision on intercalibration register (all languages)

14 Developing guidance for the intercalibration process

15 First draft guidance Drafting group has prepared first draft guidance document – discussed at WG2A meeting 4-5 March Outline a practical approach to the Intercalibration process, ensuring: comparability of the classification results of the monitoring systems between Member States consistent interpretation of the normative definitions of those class boundaries given in Annex V of the WFD

16 IC process guidance & Options
Three process options proposed as way forward, depending on data availability Different Geographical Intercalibration Groups (GIGs) may require different options Recommendation to decide as soon as possible on preferred option within GIGs Implies that GIGs need to get organised

17 Class boundary setting protocol
All proposed options start with developing a class boundary setting protocol agreement on type-specific reference conditions required for intercalibration - REFCOND guidance agreement how to interpret WFD normative definitions as applied to real data - iterative process work can be done most effectively at the GIG level

18 Further drafting process for the Guidance
Synthesis of proposed IC process submitted for the WD’s in June to have approval of the process proposed Drafting group will prepare new draft guidance for WG2A meeting in July Proposals on practical implementation of intercalibration options

19 Proposed organisation of the further intercalibration process

20 Intercalibration Steering Group (JRC)
Current Organisation ECOSTAT Working Group Intercalibration Steering Group (JRC) Lake Experts River Experts Coast Experts

21 Proposed Organisation
ECOSTAT Working Group Intercalibration Steering Group JRC Lake Expert Group rep. River Expert Group rep. Coast Expert Group rep. Lake experts/GIGs River experts/GIGs Coast experts/GIGs C BA N AT N C AT NEA BS AL EC AL EC M M

22 Informal GIG Coordinators – preliminary proposals
R- Northern (SWE) R- Central R- Alpine (AT) R- Eastern Continental (ICPDR) R- Mediterranean (PT) L- Northern (SWE) L- Atlantic (IRL) L- Central L- Alpine (AT) L- Eastern Continental (ICPDR) L- Mediterranean (SP) C- Baltic (tba) C- NE Atlantic Baltic (tba) C- Mediterranean (tba) C- Black Sea (tba)

23 GIGs organisation Most GIGs have a proposed co-ordinator – needs to be confirmed One-off meeting proposed be organized by DGENV for the Central GIG (lakes and rivers) in Brussels, spring 2004 Plan how to coordinate future work in that GIG Start the discussions on the options

24 Next WG 2A meeting Next WG2A meeting first week of July, JRC Ispra ; GIG coordinators present Organisation of the work (WGL & DG ENV make proposal) Preferred Option proposals for GIGs New draft guidance on Intercalibration process: Proposals on practical implementation of intercalibration options

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