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Word within a Word Unit 8A.

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1 Word within a Word Unit 8A

2 sed (sit) sedate (v.): calm; quiet
The nurse had to sedate the patient in order for the doctor to complete the procedure.

3 leg (read) Illegible (adj.): unable to read and write
Because he never was able to attend school, the old man’s handwriting was illegible.

4 anim (mind) animosity (n.): ill will; hatred
The dog didn’t realize biting at his friends’ feet would cause such animosity.

5 tort (twist) distort (v.): twist out of shape; make false
By distorting this guitar’s handle, it makes it quite difficult to play.

6 nym (name) pseudonym (n.): false name
Many people create pseudonyms for their online profiles.

7 sanct (holy) sanctimonious (adj.): false holiness
The trip to Las Vegas by some of the church’s congregation was sanctimonious because they were supposed to be going to rebuild homes for the needy, and many were found in the casinos gambling.

8 meta (change) metamorphosis (n.): change
A caterpillar goes through metamorphosis when it turns into a beautiful butterfly.

9 petr (rock) petrify (v.): turn to rock; scare
When my roommate found the fake mouse in the kitchen cabinet, she was petrified.

10 mir (wonder) mirage (n.): optical illusion; seeing something that is not really there The man was so thirsty and hot as he walked through the desert that he visualized a mirage of shade trees and a small pond of water.

11 man (hand) manual (adj.): done by hand
Race cars are manual shift because it allows for more power.

12 rect (right) rectify (v.): to make, put or set right
The husband tried to rectify his mistake by bringing home flowers for his wife.

13 volv (roll) revolution (n.): to bring a distinct change to something
Many believe that it is time for a revolution that will bring people together instead creating more tension and separation.

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