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Aggression Replacement Training

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Presentation on theme: "Aggression Replacement Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aggression Replacement Training

2 Overview IDENTIFY and DISCUSS some perspectives about anger and aggression REVIEW the layout of the ART manual DEMONSTRATE some treatment planning and progress note strategies for ART programming DESCRIBE the evidence base for ART MODEL and PRACTICE sessions from the Anger Control and Moral Reasoning modules PLAN for use with your clients

3 Perspectives about Anger and Aggression
Unhappiness and aggression as an attempt to manipulate others and solve problems in an environment Unhappiness as a sticky game Inferiority and non-existence From inferiority to injury Unhappiness as an emotional suitcase Defense mechanisms

4 ART Manual Includes three components to be delivered in group or individual format: Social Skills Training Anger Control Training Moral Reasoning Training Each lesson is intended to be completed by week and in consecutive order, with three sessions weekly Feasibility for intended use may vary by site Also possible to use by module, but some questions of evidence-based efficacy arise

5 Treatment Planning Presenting Problem Goals
Concerns with ability to manage physical, verbal, relational aggression, etc. Goals Increase ability to control aggressive impulses and behaviors. Strategies or Interventions Participate in counseling using the ART curriculum Learn and practice skills for recognizing and responding to difficult emotions in self and others. Recognize the antecedents and consequences of aggressive behavior, personal anger cues, and learn/implement self-regulation strategies. Make moral decisions with understand and honor the rights, wants, and needs of others.

6 Progress Notes General progress note ART-specific progress note
Presenting Issue Intervention Outcome Homework Referrals Plan ART-specific progress note Included in manual for use with lessons associated with all three modules

7 But Does it Work?! Only about 16 quality-ish studies evaluating ART against other interventions as of 2015 Recidivism 13% who completed ART versus 58% who did not Anger Control Positive effect for ART compared to no treatment, TAU, and other brief interventions Moral Reasoning Evidence basis is unclear

8 Let’s Check it Out! Ms. Klassen and Dr. Lenz

9 Now It’s Your Turn!

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