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Published byCelia Whalen Modified over 10 years ago
Bine ati venit ! UAU – este primul cuvant pe care as vrea sa il spun. Ma uit cu bucurie in urma si in anul 2004 cand am demarat acest program nu ne imaginam ca acest program poate capata o asemenea amploare. Ma bucur si mai mult cand imi dau seama ca in sala sunt ceva mai mult de jumatate din elevi Care au participat in acest an scolar la cursuri Cisco organizate de Academia CREDIS. Ne aflam in Aula Magna a Universitatii din Bucuresti. Infiintata in anul 1864 din ordinul domnitorului Alexandru Ioan Cuza UB este cea mai veche universitate din tara, fiind si cea mai prestigioasa institutie de invatamant superior din Romania, singura institutie prezenta in topul 500 al celor mai valoroase Universitati din lume. 1
Agenda Programul Cisco Netacad Curricula Netacad
IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software v4.0 IT Essentials: Network Operating Systems Certificari si preturi CCNA Exploration
Programul in cifre
Programul in cifre 191 Academies 6.456 Students 252 Instructors
Top World (number of academies) 1 United States 2,847 2 United Kingdom 524 3 Germany 320 4 Mexico 315 5 Italy 303 6 Spain 295 7 Canada 269 8 France 267 9 China 216 10 Australia 211 11 Romania 191 191 Academies 6.456 Students 252 Instructors
In Europa 191 Academies 6.456 Students 252 Instructors Top Europa 1
United Kingdom 524 2 Germany 320 3 Italy 303 4 Spain 295 5 France 267 6 Romania 191 7 Poland 135 8 Austria 114 9 Netherlands 105 10 Russia 94 191 Academies 6.456 Students 252 Instructors
Top academii in Romania
1 CREDIS Bucuresti 2490 2 InfoAcademy Bucuresti 1897 3 Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare, U.P Bucuresti 382 4 Departamentul de Educatie Permanenta - U.P. Timisoara 199 5 InstruIT Oradea 182 6 Colegiul National UNIREA Focsani 145 7 Academia Tehnica Militara 134 8 ASE Bucuresti 133 9 Grup scolar electrotehnica si telecomunicatii 126 10 RoEduNet Iasi 121 11 Universitatea Aurel Vlaicu Arad 109 12 Academia EuRomania Bucuresti 98 13 Facultatea Electronica Transporturi – UPB 97 14 ProMentor Bucuresti 15 Universitatea din Craiova
Academia CREDIS Cea mai mare academie din Romania – premiul de excelenta 17 instructori si 5 persoane administrativ (1CCIE; 4CCNP; 1CCDP; 1CCSP; 2BSCI; 8CCNA) Curricula NetAcad: licee(15), facultate de TI , master(3) CRM + ERP Local Academy of the year - Istanbul 2007 CEE – Centru Regional pentru CCNP – Instructori Centru de testare VUE si Prometric Centru EUCIP - Ronetacad - presedinte Bittnet Systems - Cisco - Premier Partener.
Programul in cifre Anul scolar 2007 : Bucuresti : 22 licee
Restul oraselor : 10 licee Anul scolar 2008 : 26 licee bucurestene 35 licee in restul oraselor In anul scolar avem inscrise 22 de licee active in Bucuresti si 10 licee in celelalte orase ale tarii. In septembrie vor incepe cel putin 4 noi licee in Bucuresti si 25 in restul oraselor. Adica aproximativ 60 de licee la nivelul intregii tari. Obiectivul nostru este ca anul scolar 2009 sa inceapa cu aproximativ 100 de licee in intreaga tara. 8
Cisco Networking Academy Program
Diploma Se acordă Academiei CREDIS pentru contribuţia deosebită la succesul programului NetAcad prin proiectul de parteneriat cu Colegiile Naţionale şi Liceele Teoretice din Bucureşti. Nicolai SANDU Director Regional Europa de Sud-Est Cisco Networking Academy Program Bucureşti, 25 iunie 2007
Agenda Programul Cisco Netacad Curricula Netacad
IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software v4.0 IT Essentials: Network Operating Systems Certificari si preturi CCNA Exploration
Evolving Curricula to Student Needs
Cursuri implementate in Licee Enterprise Networking Security CCNP Advanced Routing Remote Access Multilayer Switching Integrated Adv Tech CCNA Exploration Routing, Switching, WANs, Intro to Adv Tech Small & Medium Business Networking CCNA Discovery Routing, Switching, WANs, Intro to Adv Tech Wireless The Networking Academy product portfolio, consisting of 18 courses, is designed to provide individuals with the technology skills best suited to meet market demands and prepare them for IT and networking career opportunities. Our curriculum helps prepare students for industry leading certifications, from the IT Essentials curriculum that is tied to the Comptia A+ certification and EUCIP IT Administration certification to the CCNA and CCNP curricula. IT Essentials courses teach PC hardware, software, and network operating systems skills and prepare students for entry-level IT careers such as Network Installer or Basic IT Support positions. The CCNA curricula teach the basics of routing, switching, and advanced technologies to prepare students for entry-level networking professions in Small and Medium Businesses. CCNA Discovery and CCNA Exploration enable instructors to more easily and effectively teach CCNA concepts to different types of students. CCNA Discovery is designed for students with basic PC skills, and teaches networking based on application, covering concepts based on the types of practical networks students may encounter from home and small offices to more complex enterprise models. CCNA Exploration is designed for students with advanced problem solving and analytical skills, and teaches networking based on technology, covering protocols and theory at deeper levels reflective of university practices. Finally, CCNP courses teaching the advanced skills required to manage end-to-end converged network infrastructures, and advanced technologies courses such as Security and Wireless all prepare students for specialized certifications and Enterprise Networking professions Our curricula is designed to provide the education needed for our students to pursue the technology careers of their dreams across all industries ITE PC HW & SW, ITE NOS, Panduit NW Essentials Student Networking Knowledge and Skills Network Installer Basic IT Support 12
Growing Role of the Network
Future Converged Apps Networking Skills Increase with the Role of the Network IP Video Converged Solutions Unified Communications Storage Enhanced Security Evolution of the Network Wireless Voice transport We’ve made this change because the world’s networks continue to grow in technical complexity and increase their importance in the enterprise. As time goes on, networking professionals are required to understand a broader range of technologies and configure more complex environments. As a career, networking is always changing and the opportunities for growth and advancement are great. In developed countries with an existing infrastructure companies are anxious to implement advanced technologies like wireless and unified communications. In emerging markets, the rush is on to build the necessary infrastructure to deliver products and services to fast growing markets. __________ Este foarte important sa va continuati educatia in cadrul programului Cisco. Cei care au urmat IT1 trebuie sa continue cu IT2 iar cei care au terminat IT2 ar putea sa inceapa CCNA. De asemenea nu vreau sa uitati ca este important sa obtineti certificate recunoscute international asa cum este certificatul EUCIP pe care il puteti obtine dupa ce ati finalizat cursurile IT1. Telecommuting/VPN Switching Broad Training & Experience Required for New Careers Routing Time 13
Networking Job Demand Estimated to Grow ~3M in 2012
In fact, according to a series of studies performed by IDC, the worldwide demand for networking professionals is expected to expand by an additional 3 million people by the year 2012. Skilled networking professionals are needed in all geographies, in a wide variety of interesting industries, to implement the infrastructure that will enable new ways of interacting and collaborating in the world economy. Networking is going to be an attractive profession for years to come. Right Experts—Right Place—Right Time Source: IDC White Papers on Networking Skills Gaps for – Europe (Sep 2005), Middle East and Pakistan (May 2006), APAC (Nov 2006), Israel (May 2006), South Africa (May 2006); Bain Analysis 14
Agenda Programul Cisco Netacad Curricula Netacad
IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software v4.0 IT Essentials: Network Operating Systems Certificari si preturi CCNA Exploration
IT Essentials – PC Hardware and Software - Obiective -
Ce este domeniul IT? Ce implica un PC la nivel hardware si software? Masuri de siguranta in lucru cu echipamentele IT Asamblarea unui PC si a unui laptop Tehnici de comunicare pentru tehnicienii IT Construirea unui PC in functie de necesitatile client Upgrade-uri la nivel hard si soft Scanner-e si imprimante la nivel avansat Elemente de retelistica si securitate pentru situatii din viata de zi cu zi
IT Essentials – PC Hardware and Software - Structura -
Fundamentals Capitolele 1-10 Advanced Capitolele 11-16 Pregatire pentru cele mai noi tehnologii hardware si software Pregatire avansata pentru comunicarea dintre clienti si tehnician Pregatire practica la nivel avansat Tehnici de depanare pentru tehnicieni si ingineri
IT Essentials – PC Hardware and Software - Structura in capitole -
IT Essentials – PC Hardware and Software
Zona multimedia de prezentare a informatiilor Continut teoretic subcapitol Selectie capitol Butoane de navigare
Organizare pe saptamani
Saptamana Capitol – curs Laborator 1 Ch. 1 2 Ch. 2 3 Ch. 3 + Ch. 4 Advanced Hardware 4 Ch. 5 5 Ch. 6 Operating Systems: Instalation and Administration 6 Ch. 7 7 Ch. 8 Portable Devices, Printers and Scanners 8 Ch. 9 9 Ch. 10 Introduction to networks 10 Examen final capitolele 1-10 11 Ch. 11 12 Ch Ch. 13 Troubleshooting and Communication 13 Ch. 14 14 Ch Ch. 16 Home networking and Security 15 Examen final capitolele 11-16
Laboratoare Fundamentals: Advanced: Laborator 1: Advanced Hardware
Laborator 2: Operating Systems: Instalation and Administration Laborator 3: Portable Devices, Printers and Scanners Laborator 4: Introduction to networks Advanced: Laborator 5: Troubleshooting and Communication Laborator 6: Home Networking and Security
IT Essentials – PC Hardware and Software - Laborator1: Advanced Hardware
Asamblare si dezasamblare PC Prezentare componente, tehnologii frecvent intalnite Prezentarea uneltelor cu care se asambleaza/dezasambleaza/depaneaza un calculator
IT Essentials – PC Hardware and Software - Laborator2: Operating Systems: Instalation and Administration Principalele sisteme de operare de la Microsoft. Instalare sistem operare Microsoft - partitionare si optiunile de instalare. Aplicatiile recomandate (multimedia, maintanance, browsere, clienti de FTP, antivirus, firewall). Serviciile de pe sistemele Microsoft Managementul aplicatiilor si resurselor Unelte de administrare, registrul sistemului si posiblitatile de log-are a sistemului
IT Essentials – PC Hardware and Software - Laborator3: Portable Devices, Printers and Scanners
Prezentarea componentelor hardware portabile Prezentarea componentelor unor imprimante si scannere Metode si tehnici de depanare
IT Essentials – PC Hardware and Software - Laborator4 : Introduction to networks
Notiuni fundamentale din retelistica Identificarea prin adrese IP si adrese MAC Medii si tehnologii de transmisie (wired & wireless), echipamente des intalnite. Servicii de baza intalnite in sistemele de operare (DHCP, DNS, ping, traceroute si ipconfig).
IT Essentials – PC Hardware and Software - Laborator5: Troubleshooting and Communication
Descrierea pasilor urmati in procesul de depanare Descrierea metodelor folosite in comunicarea dintre tehnicieni si clienti, atat la telefon, cat si in comunicarea directa
IT Essentials – PC Hardware and Software - Laborator 6: Home Networking and Security
Tehnologiile de conectare la Internet (Ethernet, xDSL, cable, wireless) Tehnologiile de partajare a unei conexiuni Aplicatii pe: Internet Connection Sharing (Windows XP), un router basic wired si wireless Probleme de securitate de pe sistemele Microsoft. Tipuri de virusi si modul lor de actionare, Tipuri de aplicatii nedorite (spyware, adware, phishing); metode de combatere si prevenire;
IT Essentials – PC hardware and software - Unelte aditionale -
Pentru componenta practica a cursului se pun la dispozitie 2 laboratoare virtuale: Virtual Desktop Virtual Laptop Se asteapta in perioada urmatoare un alt material: Virtual Printer and Scanner
Tutorial Skip to go directly to the Virtual Laptop.
Click on the next arrow to view the brief tutorial or click the Skip button to go directly to using Virtual Laptop. Click arrow to view brief tutorial
Cele trei moduri de lucru
Instructions for removing and installing components Learn Mode The three modes of the Virtual Laptop Tool: Learn Mode walks you through the removal and installation of select components of the laptop. Test Mode allows you to remove and install select components without any assistance. Explore Mode gives you information about many features and components of the laptop. Self check for understanding Test Mode Explore Mode Information about laptop features and components
Instalarea componentelor
Some components need to be properly aligned before you can install them. Alignment of components is only required in the Learn Mode and in the Test Mode. When a component requires alignment, the alignment tool pops up automatically. Click the clockwise and counterclockwise buttons to turn the component until you believe it is properly aligned. The Install button looks like an arrow pointing down. Click the Install button to install the component. If the component is not properly aligned then the Install button will show a red X. If the component is aligned, then clicking the Install button will begin the animation of the installation of the component. Once a component is properly installed, it will be grayed out on the antistatic mat.
Modul Studiu PC Card Optical Drive
The next layer is the Top and Sides Layer. The sides of the laptop have bays that allow you to install devices that increase the functionality of the laptop. You can install many different devices into the universal bay, including optical drives, hard disk drives, and extra batteries. You can install different types of cards into the PC card slots, including Ethernet, wireless Ethernet, modems, and memory card readers. To successfully complete this layer, you will remove and replace the optical drive and then remove and replace the PC card.
Modul Test Test Mode allows you to remove and install select components without any assistance. The Test Mode provides all the components you will need to build your virtual laptop, but the components are not separated into the layers as they are in the Learn Mode. The “Show Instructions” feature is not available in the Test Mode. You can use this mode to test your ability to assemble a laptop computer. You must follow the layers of access without any instructions. After you have successfully completed a layer, you will automatically be forwarded to the next level of access. If you need to refer to instructions while in Test Mode, switch to Learn Mode. When you leave Test Mode and then return, the tool does not keep track of where you left off in the Test Mode. You need to start at the beginning again.
Explorare Explore Mode gives you information about many features and components of the laptop. The Explore Mode provides seven different views of the desktop. Views 1–4: there are four side views View 5: one overhead view of the closed laptop View 6: one underside view View 7: and one view of the opened laptop In Explore Mode, you can roll your mouse over the components for more information. In some cases, you can click the component to see a larger, 360-degree view. This section acts as a quick reference to the components in their installed state. Rollover a highlighted box to learn more and to see detailed views of each item.
Optiunea “invata mai mult”
Initially, the Learn More option may be easily confused with the Learn Mode. The “Learn More” option is available in all three modes (Learn, Test, and Explore) for many of the laptop components. When you click “Learn More,” the component will appear in a separate window with a slider tool below it. In the upper-right corner of the window, there may be several boxes that present different views of the component. The slider tool has a needle that you can control with your mouse. Move it back and forth to see a 360-degree view of the component. The boxes that show other views can also be selected from this window. The other views may also contain information about the components.
Agenda Programul Cisco Netacad Curricula Netacad
IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software v4.0 IT Essentials: Network Operating Systems Certificari si preturi CCNA Discovery
IT Essentials: Network Operating Systems
IT Essentials PC Hardware and Software IT Essentias II Partea 1: Fundamentals Capitolele 1-10 Fundamentals Capitolele 1-10 Advanced Capitolele 11-16 Partea a 2-a: Advanced Capitolele 11-16 Network Operating Systems Capitolele 1-14 Pregatire pentru cele mai noi tehnologii hardware si software Pregatire avansata pentru comunicarea dintre clienti si tehnician Pregatire practica la nivel avansat Tehnici de depanare pentru tehnicieni si ingineri Pregatire in domeniul sistemelor de operare pentru retea. Abordeaza sisteme de operare ca: Windows 2003 server, Linux Fedora Pregatire practica la nivel avansat Tehnici de depanare pentru tehnicieni si ingineri
IT Essentials II: Network Operating Systems
Saptamana Capitol – curs Laborator 1 Ch. 1 2 Ch. 2 3 Ch. 3 4 Ch. 4 5 Ch. 5 Introducere in retelistica 6 Ch. 6 7 Ch. 7 8 Ch. 8 Administrarea unui sistem de operare Microsoft 9 Ch. 9 10 Ch. 10 11 Ch. 11 Instalarea unui sistem de operare bazat pe UNIX 12 Ch. 12 13 Ch. 13 Administrarea unui sistem de operare UNIX 14 Ch. 14 15 Examen final
IT Essentials II: Network Operating Systems - Laboratorare-
Laborator 1: Introducere in retelistica Laborator 2: Administrarea unui sistem de operare Microsoft Laborator 3: Instalarea unui sistem de operare bazat pe UNIX Laborator 4: Administrarea unui sistem de operare UNIX
IT Essentials II: Network Operating Systems - Laborator: Introducere in retelistica -
Bazele adresarii IP Modul de functionare al serviciilor de retea des intalnite (DNS, DHCP) Functionalitatea principalelor topologii de retea Echipamentele intalnite pentru interconectarea retelelor
IT Essentials II: Network Operating Systems - Laborator: Administrarea unui sistem de operare Microsoft - Principalele unelte de administrare existente sub sistemele Windows Managementul utilizatorilor, serviciilor si permisiilor Aplicatiile in retea (FTP server, Telnet server, SSH server, file sharing, etc)
IT Essentaials II: Network Operating Systems - Laborator: Instalarea unui sistem de operare UNIX
Instalarea ultimei distributii de la Red Hat Fedora Core. Metodele de instalare existente Tipuri de partitionare si pachetele ce trebuie instalate
IT Essentials II: Network Operating Systems Laborator: Administrarea unui sistem de operare bazat pe UNIX Administrare Red Hat Fedora Core Managementul utilizatorilor, resurselor si al serviciilor. Tehnici de administrare la distanta Principalelor comenzi de shell existente Configuratiile servicilor principale.
Agenda Programul Cisco Netacad Curricula Netacad
IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software v4.0 IT Essentials: Network Operating Systems Certificari si preturi CCNA Exploration
Certificari si preturi
IT Essentials PC Hardware and Software IT Essentias II Fundamentals Capitolele 1-10 Advanced Capitolele 11-16 Network Operating Systems Capitolele 1-14 Partea 1: Fundamentals Capitolele 1-10 Transa 1 : 150 RON Transa 2 : 150 RON Transa 3 : 150 RON Transa 1 : 150 RON Transa 2 : 150 RON Certificarea CompTIA A+ CompTIA A+ Essentials ( ) Oricare dintre examenele : IT Technician : Remote Support Technician : Depot Technician Certificarea EUCIP Modulul 1: PC Hardware Modulul 2: PC Software Modulul 3:Local Area Networks and Network Services Certificarea CompTIA Server +
Agenda Programul Cisco Netacad Curricula Netacad
IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software v4.0 IT Essentials: Network Operating Systems Certificari si preturi CCNA Exploration
CCNA Exploration CCNA Exploration este orientat mai mult pe lucrul practic, descrieri amanuntite a anumitor procese ce au loc la nivelul unui router sau switch si configurari in linie de comanda (CLI) Cursul se adreseaza in principal celor care vor o cariera in domeniul retelisticii.
CCNA Exploration: Network Fundamentals
Continut: Living in a Network-Centric World Communicating over the Network Application Layer Functionality and Protocols OSI Transport Layer OSI Network Layer Addressing the Network – IPv4 Data Link Layer OSI Physical Layer Ethernet Planning and Cabling Networks Configuring and Testing your Network
CCNA Exploration: Network Fundamentals
Se vor desfasura 4 activitati practice, dupa cum urmeaza: Laboratorul 1: Application, Transport & Network Layers: Comparatie intre modelul TCP\IP si OSI, definirea layer-elor Application, Presentation, Session, Transport si Network inclusiv serviciile si procesele ce au loc la fiecare layer Laboratorul 2: Subnetting: Explicarea structurii adresei IP, impartirea pe clase a adreselor IP, rolul subnet-ului in impartirea retelelor si calcularea componentelor de adresare. Laboratorul 3: Data Link, Physical Layer & Cabling: Descrierea topologiilor fizice si logice, identificarea principalelor caracteristici ale mediilor de transmisie, descrierea echipamentelor de retea, managementrul echipamentelor si design-ul cablarii Laboratorul 4: Basic Router Commands: Identificarea componentelor hardware ale unui router, definirea IOS-ului, folosirea comenzilor de baza de verificare si configurare a unui router si switch
“Education and the Internet are the two great equalizers”
“Education and the Internet are the two great equalizers” John Chambers 50
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
Nelson Mandela 51
Nicoleta DINICA Program manager Telefon: 52
Sesiune de intrebari si raspunsuri
Slide 73 – Q and A
Va multumesc! Slide 70 – Instructor Training Activities
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