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Associated Talmud Torahs

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1 Associated Talmud Torahs
Government Programs Liaison to Federal & State Programs

2 Hierarchy of Federal Education Programs

3 Nonpublic School Affiliates
Office of Catholic Schools (69.15%) Independent Schools (19.48%) Associated Talmud Torahs (4.78%) Lutheran Schools (3.48%) Christian Schools (3.12%) Monthly Consultation Meetings

4 Illinois Coalition of Nonpublic Schools (ICNS)
ATT has been a member since 1970 ATT has been on its Executive Board since 1990 Currently meets 4 times per year

5 Schools Represented by the ATT to CPS
Elementary Akiba Schechter Cheder Lubavitch (Chicago girls school) Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov – Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi Yeshiva Ohr Boruch High Schools Bais Yaakov High School Bnos Rabbeinu High School Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov Ida Crown Jewish Academy Lubavitch Girls High School Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago Telshe High School Yeshivas Meor HaTorah Yeshiva Netzach Eliyahu

6 Federal Title Programs NCLB: No Child Left Behind
Title I Funds are used for math and reading remediation for eligible students. The ATT was instrumental in getting the alternative method of poverty data collection (i.e. proportionality) approved by CPS which brought Title I to our Chicago and Skokie elementary and high schools

7 FY 16 Dollars (Services) Allocated to Title I -- all ATT schools
Remedial Services directly to ATT Schools (including Skokie for the Chicago students) $325,684 (Provided by Catapult Learning) From Pooled Nonpublic Dollars: Professional Development $192,881 Academic Counseling $403,500 Parent Involvement Sessions $18,729 Fine Arts $21,700

8 Federal Title Programs NCLB: No Child Left Behind
Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) Funds are used for special education services for eligible students. The ATT was instrumental in improving the multi-step eligibility process.

9 Special Education services and materials for eligible students
FY 16 Dollars (Services) Allocated to IDEA proportionate share – all ATT Chicago schools Special Education services and materials for eligible students $203,967

10 Federal Title Programs NCLB: No Child Left Behind
Title IIA (Professional Development) Funds are used by ATT schools for attendance at professional development conferences, for in-school workshops, and to pay consultants who give in-services in the core-curricular subject areas.

11 FY 16 Dollars (Services) Allocated to Title IIA -- all ATT schools
Professional development in the core curriculum subjects $218,286

12 Federal Title Programs NCLB: No Child Left Behind
Title III (Foreign Language) Funds are used in improving the teaching of English to foreign students. Foreign students are identified as being in the U.S. less than 3 years and in grades K-12.

13 FY 16 Dollars (Services) Allocated to Title III -- all ATT schools
Limited English proficient programs/materials $10,375

14 ATT’s Role in NCLB Mandatory consultation with the LEA
Liaison to individual nonpublic schools Processing the large volume of required paperwork and documentation

15 ATT’s Role in State Programs
Liaison to individual nonpublic schools ISBE Recognition Process Teacher Certification

16 Associated Talmud Torahs Government Programs

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