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Where we start from… Iterative process using existing data sources – including gap assessment Annual review by programmes to reach agreement on what will.

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Presentation on theme: "Where we start from… Iterative process using existing data sources – including gap assessment Annual review by programmes to reach agreement on what will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where we start from… Iterative process using existing data sources – including gap assessment Annual review by programmes to reach agreement on what will strengthen existing systems – add new that are useful, subtract what is no longer required

2 Purpose of activities Purpose of activities – who this for?
WHO to co-ordinate collaborative TB/HIV data collection at international level The ProTest ‘carrot’ of IPT/CPT is no longer appropriate – ARVs as part of the package of prevention and care TB systems are currently strong & used as proxy for analysing the HIV driver for TB infection Strengthen HIV surveillance (including second generation)

3 Purpose of collecting data
Policy makers Operational management Client/Facility District/Region/Province National International Donor/research

4 Planning & management Links with existing data collection & systems
Can/should we integrate TB & HIV data ? Who should ‘own’ the data?

5 Collection Process Who collects? What at what level?
Clinic held records Client held records Registers Unique identifier number would be really helpful!

6 Process Collection, QC,supervision
Analysis and use of data, including feedback

7 Tools Development & process Relationship with general records?
Checklists liked by nurses Useful for training/supervision Capacity for separate systems

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