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Brain Jogger Would you rather help make an important decision or would you rather have someone else make the decision? Explain your answer in 3 sentences,

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Presentation on theme: "Brain Jogger Would you rather help make an important decision or would you rather have someone else make the decision? Explain your answer in 3 sentences,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brain Jogger Would you rather help make an important decision or would you rather have someone else make the decision? Explain your answer in 3 sentences, please!!!

2 Different types of Citizen Participation
This is a basic question that we must look at when understanding a country’s government.

3 Advantages and Disadvantages in Government
Autocracy Definition: Oligarchy Democracy Advantage Disadvantage ME Country Example:

4 Advantages and Disadvantages in Government
Autocracy Definition: A single person has complete power Oligarchy Definition: Very few have complete power Democracy Definition: Control is in the hands of the citizens Advantage Disadvantage Things get done quicker Good leader could make good decisions (think of King Arthur) Bad decision made by one person. The citizens do not have a say. One person cannot be an expert at everything!!! More people to make decisions than Autocracy. Decisions are still made pretty quickly. People still do not get a say Greed=bad rulers The people get a say (Voting) More people can be experts. If your leaders make a bad decision, replace your leaders. Decisions take longer to make. Stupid voters=stupid decisions. What the majority of people want is not always right! Country Example: North Korea (Kim Jong Un) Iran, Saudi Arabia Turkey

5 Autocracy Definition: A single person has complete power.
AKA authoritarian, dictatorship, monarchy


7 Autocracies of the World

8 Autocracy Disadvantages Advantages Things get done quicker
Good leader could make good decisions (think of King Arthur) Bad decision made by one person. The citizens do not have a say. One person cannot be an expert at everything!!!

9 Autocracy Examples Czarist Russia Nazi Germany
Soviet Union under Stalin

10 Oligarchy Very few people have complete power. “Government by the Few”

11 Oligarchy Disadvantages Advantages
More people to make decisions than Autocracy. Decisions are still made pretty quickly. People still do not get a say Greed=bad rulers

12 Oligarchy-Examples Not many left. Communist Russia for some part of the time.

13 Democracy The control is put in the hands of the citizens.

14 Democracy Disadvantages Advantages The people get a say (Voting)
More people can be experts. If your leaders make a bad decision, replace your leaders. Decisions take longer to make. Stupid voters=stupid decisions. What the majority of people want is not always right!

15 Democracy-Examples Germany, United Kingdom, France, etc.
Most European Countries

16 What does the word “Democracy” mean?
What does the word “Democracy” mean? Rule by the people Where did one of the first Democracies start? Athens, Greece Who got to vote in the Athenian society? Citizen from birth, no slave, man, adult, and own your own home. What type of Democracy do we have? Republic or Representative Democracy

17 Brain Jogger Matching (Just write the answers)
____________ The people Rule ____________ A few people rule all ____________ One person rules ____________ The States/Local govt. have the power ____________ The National/Central government has all the power ____________ There is a division of Power between the states and local govt. Unitary Federal Autocracy Confederation Oligarchy Democracy Democracy Oligarchy Autocracy Confederation Unitary Federal

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