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Recognizing & Responding to Emergencies Emergency Action Steps

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Presentation on theme: "Recognizing & Responding to Emergencies Emergency Action Steps"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recognizing & Responding to Emergencies Emergency Action Steps
First Aid & CPR Recognizing & Responding to Emergencies Emergency Action Steps

2 First Aid & CPR Introduction
What are the “unusuals” we look for at emergency scenes? Sight, Sound, Odor, Appearance/Behavior What do you ask/tell a conscious person to obtain consent. Introduce, Trained, Ask to help, What you think is wrong, How you will help Practice with a partner.

3 First Aid & CPR Objectives
Students will be able to: Understand & use the Check, Call, Care process Understand when & why to prioritize care Practice checking an unconscious person

4 First Aid & CPR Terminology
Check, Call, Care Steps to follow in any emergency situation Signs of Life Any physical sign that would lead a first responder to believe a person has an airway, is breathing & has blood circulation Body movements or sounds

5 First Aid & CPR Terminology
EMS Emergency Medical Service (911) Life threatening conditions Conditions from which a person could die

6 First Aid & CPR Terminology
Recovery position Side lying position that person is placed in when they are conscious, unconscious (but show signs of life) or are likely to vomit

7 First Aid & CPR Emergency Action Steps
What is the methodical process that the first responder should follow in providing care? CHECK-CALL-CARE

8 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey

9 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Check
Is this scene safe to approach?

10 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Check Scene
What should we be checking for at the scene? Safe vs unsafe

11 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Check Scene
Anything unsafe Traffic Fire Smoke Chemical spill Gasoline spill Escaping steam Poisonous gas Downed electrical lines Extreme weather Collapsed structures Explosive areas

12 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Check Victims
Check Consciousness “Hey, are you okay?” If answer, check level of orientation Person, Place, Time No answer, check level of responsiveness Pinch arm

13 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Check Victims
Check for life threatening/non life threatening injury or illness

14 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Check Victims
Life threatening conditions Conditions from which a person could die Unconsciousness Breathing (absent or difficult) Poisoning Choking No signs of life Persistent chest pain Severe bleeding Severe burns Shock Stroke

15 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Call
Call 911 (EMS) Often the most important action you can take to help

16 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Call
Give your name Address/Location What has happened Number of Victims Any Life Threatening situations Victims apparent condition What has been done Hang up last Send someone out to direct ambulance to scene

17 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Care
A B C’s Airway Head Tilt, Chin Lift (Jaw Thrust) Breathing Look, Listen & Feel Circulation Carotid Pulse Monitor A B C’s & consciousness Provide specific care as necessary Until help arrives or situation resolved

18 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Care
Conscious victim can answer questions & give clue to problem Unconscious victim cannot provide answers or clues First responders has to look for signs

19 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Pulse
Find your own pulse Find your partner’s pulse

20 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Prioritizing Care
Imagine that you come upon an accident scene, you were the only responder & there are 3 injured people. A. conscious woman – bloody, broken arm B. unconscious man C. conscious child – minor scrapes & cuts Who should be treated first? Thumbs Up or Down

21 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Prioritizing Care
Who gets treated first Life threatening Most serious injuries Multiple victims with life threatening conditions? Responder has to choose

22 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Prioritizing Care
Get in groups of 3 Prioritize injury/condition

23 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey Practice
Check Scene Safe – Unsafe – Unusuals Check Victim Consciousness – Life Threatening – Non-Life Threatening Call 911 Care ABC’s

24 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey Practice
Get in groups of 3 Practice the Primary Survey - Unconscious 1 person victim 1 person First Responder 1 person Coach Start flat on back Then make it challenging

25 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey Practice
Check Scene Safe – Unsafe – Unusuals Check Victim Consciousness – “Hey, are you OK? Life Threatening – Airway - Breathing - Circulation Call 911

26 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Practice
Care A B C’s Airway No C-Spine Injury Head Tilt, Chin Lift C-Spine Injury Jaw Thrust 26

27 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Practice
Care A B C’s Breathing - 10 sec Look chest rise and fall (movement) Listen Breath sounds Feel Breath on cheek 2 rescue breaths 27

28 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey - Practice
Care A B C’s Circulation Carotid Pulse ABC’s established Recovery position 28

29 First Aid & CPR Primary Survey Practice
Get in groups of 3 Practice the Primary Survey - Unconscious 1 person victim 1 person First Responder 1 person Coach Practice rolling over a prone victim

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