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Michael Lacewing The Problem of Evil Michael Lacewing © Michael Lacewing.

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Presentation on theme: "Michael Lacewing The Problem of Evil Michael Lacewing © Michael Lacewing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michael Lacewing
The Problem of Evil Michael Lacewing © Michael Lacewing

2 Types of evil Evil: the term is used to cover not just actions and motives that are wrong or cause suffering, but also suffering in general, of animals as well as human beings Moral evil: evil caused by moral agents through choice Natural evil: evil caused in other ways, e.g. suffering caused by earthquakes, illness, etc.

3 The problem God is all-good and omnipotent. If all-good, then God would not wish us to suffer unnecessarily; if omnipotent, then God is able to prevent us from suffering unnecessarily. If God created the world, which contains evil, then it seems God created evil.

4 Two problems of evil Logical: ‘The mere existence of evil is logically incompatible with the existence of an all-loving, all-powerful God.’ This doesn’t seem to be true, e.g. if some evil is necessary for some greater good. Evidential: ‘The amount of evil that exists is incompatible with the existence of an all-loving, all-powerful God.’

5 Solutions?

6 Augustine’s theodicy ‘It’s all our fault.’
The ‘Fall’, which resulted from Adam and Eve’s choice, altered the order of the universe, giving rise to pain and struggle (Genesis 3:15-19). So all evil, natural evil as well as moral evil, was caused by human choice, not God.

7 Objections If the Fall never happened, how can human sin be literally the cause of natural evil? Is it fair for God to allow such terrible consequences from just one choice? Is free will so good that it outweighs all evil? Could God ensure that free agents always choose the good?

8 Irenaeus’ theodicy ‘Suffering is good for us.’
Suffering is necessary for people to be good: Virtues are impossible unless there is evil (natural or moral) to respond to and correct.

9 Objections Why couldn’t God create us virtuous?
Does all suffering – who suffers and how much – lead to the growth of goodness? Reply: predictability would not require faith or hope Why so much suffering? Can’t goodness grow against more minor evils? How can the suffering of animals be explained?

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