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Peer Assessment Have they used the new vocabulary? Paragraphs?

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2 Peer Assessment Have they used the new vocabulary? Paragraphs?
Punctuation? Started correctly? Used the techniques? Created an atmosphere

3 Vocab test 1. The word gluttonous means:
2. List three antonyms of impoverish. 3. The word class of gluttonous is: 4. List one synonym of conscience. 5. Write one sentence using a parenthetical clause (brackets). You must include the words gluttonous and impoverish.

4 Spelling test Priestley portentous Impertinent Business Responsibility
Unsympathetic Haughty Privileged Repentant Naïve Patronising Impressionable


6 Mr Birling Task: What adjectives can you think of to describe Mr Birling? What nouns are important for the character? Create a list now. High Level Vocabulary: Ostentatious – flashy and flamboyant Condescending – looking down on others Belittling – Making someone else small Arrogant - pride Orthodox – conforming to tradition Narcissistic - excessive interest in or admiration of oneself Patriarchal – believing in a male dominated system Rapacious – aggressively greedy Covetous – showing a desire to possess something. Brazen – bold, without shame Your Assessment will be: How is Mr Birling presented within the play?

7 Task 1: Now try to find reasons why from the play that they are like these adjectives
E.g. Birling is Narcissistic when he stresses his views on society, he believes that as a ‘practical, hard headed man of business’ that he knows more than the younger men. Task 2: Then – find a good quotation to support your ideas. The cheat sheets will help you with this. You then need to explore your quotation for AO1, AO2 and AO3

8 Sample essay WAGOLL Look through the sample essay – this is not about Mr Birling as that would be too easy for you. You need to identify where the different Assessment Objectives have been used, using three different colour highlighters. Complete this task in pairs.

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