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Physical & Chemical Properties and Changes

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Presentation on theme: "Physical & Chemical Properties and Changes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical & Chemical Properties and Changes
Changing Matter Physical & Chemical Properties and Changes

2 Physical Property A characteristic of a substance that can be changed without changing the substance into another substance. Physical Properties are usually (not always) reversible.

3 Physical property Examples Physical properties of water include Color
Hardness Texture Shine Flexibility Ability to dissolve in water How well it conducts heat and electricity Physical properties of water include Clear Colorless Liquid at room temperature Boils at 100o C Freezes at 0o C

4 Chemical Property Describes its ability to change into other substances. Chemical properties are usually (not always) not reversible. You cannot change it back to how it was.

5 Chemical Property Examples
Burning Tarnishing Rusting All of these examples involve a substance changing into another substance When you burn a stick the atoms are rearranged you will

6 Matter can be changed two ways
Physically Physical reaction Physical change Chemically Chemical reaction Chemical change

Nothing new or different is formed Could be a change in: Mass Volume Density Change in state Color Shape Size

8 Examples of Physical Changes
Boiling Freezing Dissolving Breaking Making a mixture 2 or more types of matter (substances) mixed together Not in specific amounts Can be separated physically

9 Picture from
Chemical Changes The composition of the substance changes. The substances present at the beginning of the change are not present at the end; new substances are formed. The change cannot be “undone.” Picture from

10 Chemical Changes Evidence of a chemical reaction Formation of gas
Formation of precipitate Change in color Change in energy Endothermic Absorbs heat energy (gets cold) Exothermic Releases heat energy (gets hot)

11 Chemical Changes Atoms are re-arranged, NOT created or destroyed

12 Law of Conservation of Matter
Matter is conserved  type of atoms does not change Nothing is created or destroyed

13 Law of Conservation of Mass
Mass is conserved  amount of atoms cannot change Nothing is created or destroyed

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