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Diversity 101 Lisa Annese CEO, Diversity Council Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "Diversity 101 Lisa Annese CEO, Diversity Council Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversity 101 Lisa Annese CEO, Diversity Council Australia

2 Presented by Lisa Annese, CEO, Diversity Council Australia

3 Diversity 101 It is not the strongest of the species that survives,
Nor the most intelligent…. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. Charles Darwin

4 Diversity 101: What is Diversity?
EEO Groups?

5 Diversity 101: What is Diversity?

6 Diversity 101: State of Play for Women
11 female CEOs in the ASX200 8.2% Directors on ASX 4.9% senior executives WGEA Number of women in the Federal Parliament (32%) Pay Gap 15.7%

7 Diversity 101: State of Play for Women
CURRENT SNAPSHOT: 1 in 3 Women will experience physical and or sexual violence in their lifetime. White Ribbon 2014 1 in 5 women will experience harassment in the workplace. White Ribbon 2014 Fulltime Gender Pay gap in Australia in 2016 = 16% or $ per week. WEGEA 2017 Women retire with $80k in superannuation. Less than half of men at retirement age. Per Capita 2017

8 Diversity 101: Cracking Glass Cultural Ceiling
In 2015 if ASX directors were people, how many would be? Culturally Diverse Women? 2. Anglo Celtic Women 3. Culturally Diverse Men? 4. Anglo Celtic Men?

9 Diversity 101: Cracking Glass Cultural Ceiling

10 Diversity 101: Mental Health & Wellbeing
In Australia, it's estimated that 45 per cent of people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. In any one year, around 1 million Australian adults have depression, and over 2 million have anxiety. Every day 8 Australians die by suicide. Beyond Blue

11 Diversity 101: The State of Inclusion

12 Diversity 101: What is Inclusion?

13 Diversity 101: What is Inclusion?

14 Diversity 101: Business Case
Performance & Sustainability Access to Talent Pools Access to markets Culture & Engagement Innovation & Creativity

15 Diversity 101: Inclusion Index

16 Diversity 101: Key Concepts
Why do you think it is important to create a Diverse and Inclusive workplace? For your organisation? For you as leaders? Where do you see Diversity and Inclusion working well in your organisation?

17 Diversity 101: The Diversity & Inclusion Journey

18 Diversity 101: Engage Men WHY ENGAGE MEN IN GENDER EQUALITY?
In short, men are part of the problem of gender inequality and so they are therefore a crucial part of the solution.

19 Diversity 101: What’s in it for men?

20 Diversity 101: Inclusive Leadership

21 Diversity 101: Questions

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