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COLLABORATIVE Alaska Federal Lands Collaborative Long Range Transportation Plan (CLRTP) FLMAs: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) National Park Service (NPS)

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Presentation on theme: "COLLABORATIVE Alaska Federal Lands Collaborative Long Range Transportation Plan (CLRTP) FLMAs: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) National Park Service (NPS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 COLLABORATIVE Alaska Federal Lands Collaborative Long Range Transportation Plan (CLRTP) FLMAs: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) National Park Service (NPS) US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) US Forest Service (USFS) Partners: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) AK Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) 1

2 COLLABORATIVE Map of Alaska – Federally Managed Lands 2

3 What is the Alaska Federal Lands CLRTP?
COLLABORATIVE What is the Alaska Federal Lands CLRTP? 2012 interagency planning team developed the Alaska Federal Lands LRTP First multi-agency LRTP for Federal Lands Policy-level plan: how FLMAs & Partners plan/manage transportation related to access Establishment of common goals, objectives, and performance metrics Alaska is unique = we use all modes of travel / transportation to access these Federally Managed Lands - bus; ferry or boat; planes of all sizes; 4 wheelers; snowmachines; vehicles; bikes; hiking Strategy Projects

4 CLRTP Process Update our Mission, Goals, and Objectives
COLLABORATIVE CLRTP Process Update our Mission, Goals, and Objectives Collect and analyze new data/updated info (CVTS) Develop goal-based performance measures Interagency coordination for 5-Year transportation improvement plans Stakeholder outreach Identify range of implementation strategies Develop draft plan Stakeholder outreach: AFN - AFE - this symposium – others?

5 COLLABORATIVE CLRTP Update Purpose • New Fixing America’s Surface Transportation(FAST) Act requirements and funding opportunities • Use updated transportation and visitation data (CVTS) -condition and needs of transportation on Federal lands • Align the updated CLRTP with FLMAs’ national guidance • 2012 Plan - FLMA and partner accomplishments • Develop performance measures and monitoring systems • Increase understanding - benefits and challenges of transportation planning for Federal lands in Alaska 1) FAST Act passed in 2015 – transportation legislation 2) CVTS – Collaborative Visitor Transportation Survey = accomplishment 3) NPS has a National LRTP that we wanted to match – other FLMAs have National Plans as well – aligning goals and objectives 4) Accomplishment – CVTS 5) Performance measures were not a part of 2012 plan – updating that

6 COLLABORATIVE Goals System Management: Provide a long-term transportation system to address current and future land management needs. User Experience: Proactively enhance the Alaskan multimodal transportation system experience and connectivity. Safety & Mobility: Provide users with safe, efficient, affordable, and agency-appropriate access to and through Federal lands. Environment: Protect and enhance natural and cultural resources through comprehensive transportation planning and management. Climate Change: Develop a long-term transportation system that addresses a changing climate. Partnerships: Maintain existing mutually beneficial relationships and build future opportunities for collaboration with tribal, Federal, state, local, and other external partners. 6 Goal Areas Objectives developed under each goal area Currently developing performance measures for each objective – to be measured in baseline conditions.

7 Timeline Contacts Started CLRTP update in Fall 2017
COLLABORATIVE Timeline Started CLRTP update in Fall 2017 Completion of Draft Plan by Spring 2019 Contacts Dawna Pearson = BIA Randy Goodwin, BLM Paul Schrooten, NPS David Morton, FWS Amy Thomas, USFS Eric Taylor, ADOT&PF Roxanne Bash, WFLHD

8 Questions I appreciate the opportunity to talk with you today…
COLLABORATIVE Questions I appreciate the opportunity to talk with you today… And to be part of the Tribal Transportation Symposium – we value your input and coordination

9 How to be Involved Long Range / Regionwide Plans Unit Level Plans
COLLABORATIVE How to be Involved Long Range / Regionwide Plans Tribal Involvement: Review FLMA goals and objectives, note FLMA needs and gaps (Are there partnership opportunities where Tribal needs and gaps overlap with FLMA’s?) Unit Level Plans Tribal Involvement: Comment on the importance of specific FLMA transportation assets, initiatives, alternatives, project ideas, and/or partnership opportunities. Project Plans Tribal Involvement: Comment on FLMA project alternatives and/or logistics More project specific Less project specific

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