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What Role Did the United States play in World War I?

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1 What Role Did the United States play in World War I?
United States History & Government 11th Grade Boys/Girls 6 December 2018

2 U.S. Joined the War A U-Boat Sank British Ship Lusitania killing 128 Americans Germany’s announcement that it would sink all ships in British Water British interception of Zimmerman Notes

3 U.S. Preparation for the War
Congress passed the Selective Service Act Military draft was initiated to recruit 3 million men African Americans served in separate units Women were recruited by navy for non-combatant posts Served as nurses, secretaries, telephone operators U.S. built ships using prefabrication method

4 How did U.S. Help the Allies
Convoy system to reduce loss of merchant ships American soldiers provided fresh blood to the allies American Expeditionary Force (doughboys) was led by General John J. Pershing

5 Weapons of the War Tanks and airplanes
Eddie Rickenbacker – an American ace pilot Fought 34 air battles and shot down 26 enemy planes. New weapons and tactics made soldiers life miserable Filth, trench foot, trench mouth, “shellshock”, vermin, poison gas and disease

6 American Offensive and Armistice
Americans arrived just before German offensive against Paris. Alvin York, a former conscientious objector, became a hero. On November 11, 1918 Germany agreed to an armistice. 22 million killed….and an untold amount of sufferings.

7 Homework Questions 1, 2, & 3 on page 593

8 War’s Impact on American Economy
Government Controlled the Economy War Industries Board run by Bernard M. Baruch Railroad Administration Controlled the Railroads The Fuel Administration watched over the use of coal, gasoline, & heating oil National War Labor Board worked to settle the dispute between workers and management & helped to improve labor conditions Food Administration helped produce and conserve food supplies Encouraged people to grow their own food

9 Government Tactics to sell the war
Several taxes were imposed and bonds were sold Volunteers sold the bond Famous people spoke at rallies Newspapers and billboards carried advertisements for free The Committee on Public Information was created to do propaganda

10 Controlling Civil Liberties
Anti-immigrant feelings were high Germans were discriminated Espionage and Sedition Act was passed Anti-war people were punished 6000 arrests and 1500 convictions Socialists and Union Leaders were the main target Violated the First Amendment Greatly

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