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Discrete forms of PID controllers

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1 Discrete forms of PID controllers
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Discrete forms of PID controllers Reference: A. Visioli, Practical PID Control, Springer 2006

2 Computer Control The computer requests a value from the A/D converter. The A/D converter samples the process signal, converts it to a number, and stores it in the computer memory or a register. The computer performs the control calculations on the sampled process signal(s) and computes the output(s) to the process. The computer output is sent to the D/A converter, which converts it to an electronic signal, updates the output, and holds it constant until the next update.

3 Computer Control A good rule of thumb is that the sample time should be about one-tenth of the effective process time constant

4 Discrete Form of PID Controllers
Position Form Sampling Time : Ts , Number of Sampling : k , Time : t = kTs

5 Discrete Form of PID Controllers
Position Form Velocity Form

6 Discrete Form of PID Controllers
Velocity Form Where:

7 Discrete Form of PID Controllers
Backward Shift Operator (q -1) : y(k-n)=q-ny(k) Tuning of Digital PID : Moore et al. (1969) Use the continuous tuning formula of PID controller with corrected dead time

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