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1 Title of Your Presentation
John R. Plante, JD, IPEM Metra Director, Treasurer Chicago Illinois

2 Metra System Profile 2nd Largest commuter railroad in the country based on miles of track miles - 11 main lines, 4 branch lines - 241 stations – 5 in downtown Chicago and 236 outlying - 1,155 miles of track - 488 route miles - 1,154 coaches, including 146 locomotives 703 revenue trains each weekday 300,000 passenger trips each weekday 83.4 million passenger trips in 2014 (preliminary) 94.3% system-wide on-time performance in 2014

3 Safety encompasses every part of Metra’s
operation. Metra’s service area more than 3,700 square miles Workforce Metra employs 2,596 skilled professionals Represented by 14 different unions 17 separate collective bargaining agreements Infrastructure 24 Rail yards (6 Downtown, 18 Outlying) 241 Stations (5 Downtown, 236 Outlying) 578 Grade Crossings 821 Bridges 5 Electrical Tie Stations, 10 Sub Station 12 Fueling Stations

4 It Begins with Metra’s Board Safety Committee
• Purpose & Scope Direct Safety Channel Between the Board and Staff Encouraging and Ensuring that Safety is the Basis of Board Actions Inquire/Investigate Safety Issues when Requested by the Metra Board or Staff • Membership Five Members 3 from the Board and 2 from Staff • Map-21 Confers Safety Oversight to the Board

5 Metra Employs a Layered Approach to Achieve an In-depth Safety Culture
• Metra proactively reinforces the importance of railroad safety through interactions with our employees, riders, the general public . Employee Safety Programs Labor & Management Process Safety Training Accident Investigations & Safety Audits Emergency Preparedness Outreach Programs Operation Life Saver Safety Poster Contest Enforcement Blitzes

6 Program & Process Highlights
• Labor, Management and the Public

7 MAP 21 Key Safety Takeaways
SMS vs SSPP approach, culture based Requires Safety Plan including Bus Ops Accountable Executive Role Rail = Board and SSOA approvals Must identify and prioritize risks Small agencies, 100 revenue vehicles One year implementation

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