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Story of a sprained ankle

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1 Story of a sprained ankle
No R.I.C.E. for CEO Story of a sprained ankle

2 No R.I.C.E. for CEO Just to add an element of challenge to preparations for the Springboard Days Expo I had sprained my ankle a few days earlier The recommended treatment regime for early treatment is R.I.C.E. R Rest I Ice Compression (bandaging) Elevation But because I was so busy my regime could be described as CEO C Compression (bandaging) EO Elevate Occasionally (when time permitted)

3 My sprained ankle four days after the injury

4 Compare the pair – the swelling extended to the top of my lower leg

5 My sprained ankle five days after the injury

6 My sprained ankle six days after the injury –colour fading but still swollen and painful

7 My sprained ankle six days after the injury

8 My sprained ankle six days after the injury

9 I did manage to get my shoes on

10 And to elevate my ankle occasionally during the Expo


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