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The Basics of the Exam and Strategies for Success

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1 The Basics of the Exam and Strategies for Success
Intro to AP Exam Review The Basics of the Exam and Strategies for Success

2 After School Review Sessions
Friday, 05/06 Monday, 05/09 Tuesday, 05/10 Wednesday, 05/11 Thursday, 05/12 All review sessions will be held in room 1816!

3 You will miss all of periods 1-3 and most of 4th period on exam day.
Exam Date: Friday, May 13, 2016 Two Sections: MC and FRQ Exam Agenda Welcome, general info, filling out scantron, etc. 1st Section: 75 questions, 60 minutes to finish Break 2nd Section: 3 FRQs, 75 minutes to finish Material collection You will miss all of periods 1-3 and most of 4th period on exam day.

4 Multiple Choice Questions
Four main “types” of questions: Definition Application Graphic Analysis (map, chart, diagram, text box, etc.) Odd one out (“all of the following EXCEPT”) Must answer in pencil MC Strategy Answer every question Skip hardest ones and come back to them Never guess into a triplet or quadruplet

5 Free Response Questions (FRQs)
Usually there are three “types” of questions: All text Map analysis Graphic analysis Must answer in blue or black ink FRQ Strategy 1. Answer easiest one first, hardest one last 2. LABEL your parts (especially when you add info) 3. Never guess into a triplet or quadruplet 4. OUTLINES are your friend 5. ATQA = answer the question asked

6 FRQ Terminology  Effects/Consequences
Social Political Economic Cultural Socioeconomic Environmental It is critically important to be able to explain these types of consequences for your FRQ. GUARANTEED, you will be asked to elaborate on something using this terminology

7 From ken Keller, master APHuG teacher
FRQ Action Words Key WORDS/PHRASES to understand the meaning of with regard to answering FRQ’s From ken Keller, master APHuG teacher

8 APHG Verbs Effective answers to essay questions depend in part upon a clear understanding (and execution) of the meanings of important directive words. These are the words that indicate the way in which the material is to be presented. For example, if students only describe when they are asked to compare, or if they merely list causes when they have been asked to evaluate them, their responses will be less than satisfactory.

9 APHG Verbs Analyze: determine their component parts; examine their nature and relationship [usually answers the question "why?"] Assess/Evaluate: judge the value or character of something; appraise; evaluate the positive points and the negative ones; give an opinion regarding the value of; discuss the advantages and disadvantages of. Compare: examine for the purpose of noting similarities and differences.

10 APHG Verbs 4. Contrast: examine in order to show dissimilarities or points of difference. 5. Describe: give an account of; tell about; give a word picture of. 6. Discuss: talk over; write about; consider or examine by argument or from various points of view; debate; present the different sides of.

11 APHG Verbs 7. Explain: make clear or plain; make clear the causes or reasons for; make known in detail; tell the meaning of. If you are asked to explain something, make sure to read carefully as to what you will be explaining and how many or what specifically you are asked to address. Do not try to read between the lines of the question. ONLY ANSWER WHAT THEY ARE SPECIFICALLY BEING ASKED TO ANSWER! To earn a “5” elaborating on their basic premise is KEY!

12 Other prompting terms/words:
Define: If you are asked for a definition, make sure you specifically define the term or concept. Choose either/or: You don’t have to pick both! Pay attention to how many examples the question is looking for if a specific number is noted! Key Features or factors: Discuss TWO or THREE ideas in detail. Look for a specific number of examples that the question is asking for. List: No elaboration needed. Identify: Point out and you will then most likely have to discuss.

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