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Membrane Permeance (mol/s.m2.Pa)

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1 Membrane Permeance (mol/s.m2.Pa)
Synthesis and Diffusion Properties of Ordered Nanoporous Silica Membranes with Controlled Macroscopic Morphology Jerry Y.S. Lin, Dept of Chemical Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85260 Oxygen permeance of CDSA silica membranes (at 298 K) Silicon source Method Pore size (µm) Membrane Permeance (mol/s.m2.Pa) Support* As-synthesized Method A (H>>>h) 8 1.2 ×10-4 4.27x10-6 Method B (H>h) 7.35x10-6 Method C (H=h) 1.2×10-4 5.68x10- 6 Support Acidified Water + Surfactant Silica grown inside the support pores in Methods A, B and C Permeance decreases by about 100 times after growth of silica with surfactant SEM shows plug morphology is typical of MCM-41 fibers XRD shows ordered pattern for Method B and Method C * Theoretical support As-synthesized silica plug


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