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What am I doing? I reach around in the dark cavern searching desperately for my prize. It is slimy and stifling, the walls press around me. I hit a rough.

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Presentation on theme: "What am I doing? I reach around in the dark cavern searching desperately for my prize. It is slimy and stifling, the walls press around me. I hit a rough."— Presentation transcript:

1 What am I doing? I reach around in the dark cavern searching desperately for my prize. It is slimy and stifling, the walls press around me. I hit a rough patch, at last! I scratch away my findings, and escape.

2 ….picking your nose!

3 Who am I? I stagger across the dusty dead grass as the sun beats down upon my black coat. I arrive at the glass doors and fall in a heap, my tongue lolling out of my mouth, drool pooling around my nose. Flies attack my eyes- I try to snap them away with my yellowed teeth. Why won’t they let me in?

4 ….a dog!

5 Now it’s your turn… Buttering toast Riding a bike Cleaning your teeth
A cat fight A horse in a race A duck that doesn’t like bread

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